in reply to Re: Re (tilly) 1: Efficiency Question
in thread Efficiency Question

Fastest and smallest are incompatible.

Also do you need at least 30, or exactly?

If I wanted to be bare bones I would do something like this untested code:

use strict; use vars qw($max_size $reset_size); $max_size = 60; $reset_size = 30; { my %count; my %cache; sub get_elem { my $id = shift; if (exists $count{$id}) { ++$count{$id}; return $cache{$id}; } else{ return; } } my $size; sub set_elem { { my $id = shift; my $elem = shift; if (exists $count{$id}) { $cache{$id} = $elem; } else { if ($max_size < ++$size) { _clear_cache(); } $count{$id} = 0; $cache{$id} = $elem; } redo if @_; } } sub _clear_cache { my @ids = sort {$count{$b} <=> $count{$a}} keys %count; @ids = @ids[0..($reset_size-1)]; my %new; %count = (); foreach (@ids) { $new{$_} = $cache{$_}; $count{$_} = 0; } %cache = %new; $size = $reset_size; } }
Note that I go over 30 here, but doing so makes the actual lookup much faster.

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Re: Re (tilly) 3: Efficiency Question
by MeowChow (Vicar) on Feb 24, 2001 at 01:56 UTC
    You can speed up the _clear_cache, which would in probably eat up the most cycles, being called once every 30 insertions, like so:
    sub clear_cache { my @ids = sort {$count{$b} <=> $count{$a}} keys %count; splice @ids, 0, $reset_size-1; delete @cache{@ids}; %count = (); @count{keys %cache} = (0) x $reset_size; $size = $reset_size; }
    Faster to delete elements from an existing hash, I've found, than to rebuild a hash. This of course depends mostly on the ratio of deleted/total hash entries.

    Also, this is isn't quite a frequency-expiration cache, since time is not a factor into the expiration routine, and you would stand a pretty good chance of getting stale cache entries that once had a bunch of hits, but remain in the cache even though they are entirely unused. I'd probably switch the count over to something like a shift-based MRU, called once every 30 fetches:

    my $do_shift = 0; sub get_elem { my $id = shift; if (++$do_shift == 30) { shift_mru(); $do_shift = 0; } if (exists $count{$id}) { $count{$id} |= 0x80000000; return $cache{$id}; } else{ return; } } sub shift_mru { while (my ($id, $count) = each %count) { $count{$id} >>= 1; } }
    I also seem to recall that there are ways to optimize the sorting algorithm for a return of fewer results than the total number to be sorted, but that's getting rather hairy :-)
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