in reply to Perl on PalmOS

Its to my understanding that porting Perl for the Palm would just be a plain pain in the ass. I mean Perl relies on the whole funcitonality *nix machines... I mean it could be done, but we are talking maybe having a perl expansion pack for the palm.

"The pajamas do not like to eat large carnivore toasters."
In German: "Die Pyjamas mögen nicht große Tiertoaster essen.
In Spanish: "Los pijamas no tienen gusto de comer las tostadoras grandes del carnívoro."

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Perl on PalmOS
by Kickstart (Pilgrim) on Apr 04, 2001 at 20:40 UTC
    Oooh, I can just see it now. Forget those silly Palms...we need a perl Springboard module for Handspring Visor. I'd definitely buy one, any other takers?
