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These nodes all have stuff by Anonyrnous Monk (showing 51-100 out of ~285?):

Previous 50 Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
885537 Re: Confusing UTF-8 bug in CGI-script 2011-02-01 16:13
885489 Re: uc and locale problem 2011-02-01 13:37
885450 Re^3: Which is more faster? While or tr/// 2011-02-01 10:19
885368 Re: Bitwise operators on binary objects 2011-01-31 21:31
885226 Re^2: Bitwise operators on binary objects 2011-01-31 09:42
885048 Re: scope and declaration in local packages 2011-01-29 18:06
885005 Re: usage of if on nested hash creating empty slot for non existing value 2011-01-29 09:36
885004 Re: UTF-8 Text In Code 2011-01-29 08:36
884942 Re^5: system ( "source $script" ) 2011-01-28 22:16
884937 Re^3: system ( "source $script" ) 2011-01-28 21:44
884925 Re: system ( "source $script" ) 2011-01-28 21:07
884881 Re^4: Returning transliteration from eval 2011-01-28 16:52
884874 Re: Detecting ASCII Characters embedded within text string 2011-01-28 16:32
884859 Re: Returning transliteration from eval 2011-01-28 15:30
884850 Re: Problem parsing XML into arrays using XML::Simple 2011-01-28 15:02
884834 Re: Text:Unidecode question 2011-01-28 14:29
884775 Re: program hangs on user input 2011-01-28 10:27
884761 Re^2: Mugged by UTF8, this CANNOT be right 2011-01-28 09:55
884658 Re: Replace data in the column of one file with corresponding ones in another file 2011-01-27 21:08
884610 Re^4: Encrypt perl script 2011-01-27 17:19
884605 Re^2: Encrypt perl script 2011-01-27 17:05
884602 Re: Encrypt perl script 2011-01-27 16:59
884582 Re^2: Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA & Java 2011-01-27 15:34
884576 Re: import not found 2011-01-27 15:17
884435 Re: DBD::Oracle error 2011-01-26 22:40
884109 Re^5: RFC: Purpose of Robes in Monasteries (CSS) 2011-01-25 12:43
884059 Re: utf8 whacks Carp in 5.12.1 2011-01-25 05:22
883921 Re^9: Problem with Socket Programming Perl Script 2011-01-24 12:03
883917 Re^7: Problem with Socket Programming Perl Script 2011-01-24 11:33
883911 Re^5: Problem with Socket Programming Perl Script 2011-01-24 11:12
883905 Re^3: Problem with Socket Programming Perl Script 2011-01-24 10:58
883890 Re: Problem with Socket Programming Perl Script 2011-01-24 09:45
883868 Re^2: RFC: Purpose of Robes in Monasteries (CSS) 2011-01-24 07:37
883680 Re^4: Search for abcNUMBERdef, make it a variable, then do math? 2011-01-22 13:28
883607 Re: is it possible to have too many files (block size) 2011-01-21 19:46
883594 Re: Manipulating key/value output 2011-01-21 18:31
883584 Re: Sort an array using the Schwartzian transform 2011-01-21 17:39
883558 Re^5: Create dynamically different array names based on counter incrementation 2011-01-21 15:44
883539 Re^3: Create dynamically different array names based on counter incrementation 2011-01-21 14:25
883535 Re^2: Create dynamically different array names based on counter incrementation 2011-01-21 14:01
883506 Re^3: How to access outside variable 2011-01-21 11:00
883436 Re: soap response 2011-01-21 00:42
883433 Re^4: CPAN doesn't understand continents 2011-01-21 00:21
883415 Re: Compiling perl module 2011-01-20 22:21
883413 Re^2: CPAN doesn't understand continents 2011-01-20 21:50
883404 Re: Capturing parentheses out of scope 2011-01-20 21:04
883399 Re: CPAN doesn't understand continents 2011-01-20 20:22
883206 Re: Typeglob substitution in objects based typeglob 2011-01-19 20:41
883142 Re^3: Typeglob substitution in objects based typeglob 2011-01-19 15:31
883138 Re^3: Can we have C-style Modularity? 2011-01-19 15:13
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