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These nodes all have stuff by ObiPanda (showing 1-16 out of ~16?):

Node ID Writeup Created
11159116 Re^2: how to system call that exits 2024-04-27 19:45
11159114 how to system call that exits 2024-04-27 18:09
11154644 How can I send a "transposed slice" of an array of hashes and by extension an array of arrays, or hash of hashes to a subroutine 2023-09-24 20:34
11154613 Windows precompiled binaries or DIY compile 2023-09-23 16:43
11154362 Re^2: A good way to input data into a script w/o an SQL database 2023-09-10 19:52
11154352 A good way to input data into a script w/o an SQL database 2023-09-10 00:58
11154342 Re^4: how to move multiple files 2023-09-09 00:55
11154328 Re^2: how to move multiple files 2023-09-08 19:41
11154302 how to move multiple files 2023-09-08 02:31
11152792 Re^2: how to escape round parentheses in a system call 2023-06-11 21:35
11152790 how to escape round parentheses in a system call 2023-06-11 21:17
11152789 Re^4: How to Rename files in multiple directories with a Perl script using an array of hashes. 2023-06-11 20:54
11152783 Re^2: How to Rename files in multiple directories with a Perl script using an array of hashes. 2023-06-11 18:37
11152781 Re^2: How to Rename files in multiple directories with a Perl script using an array of hashes. 2023-06-11 18:15
11152780 Re^2: How to Rename files in multiple directories with a Perl script using an array of hashes. 2023-06-11 17:40
11152739 How to Rename files in multiple directories with a Perl script using an array of hashes. 2023-06-10 20:33
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