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These nodes all have stuff by Sioln (showing 1-30 out of ~30?):

Node ID Writeup Created
524874 Re^2: Win32::TieRegistry Loading saved key. (Load vs Restore) 2006-01-23 07:13
524506 Re^2: Win32::TieRegistry - Overlapped IO event message 2006-01-20 16:03
524496 Win32::TieRegistry - Overlapped IO event message 2006-01-20 15:30
524491 Re: sub returns array or empty array 2006-01-20 15:03
524486 Re^4: Win32::TieRegistry - RegSaveKey saves on remote hosts disk but not mine. 2006-01-20 14:39
524480 Re^2: Win32::TieRegistry - RegSaveKey saves on remote hosts disk but not mine. 2006-01-20 14:23
524468 Win32::TieRegistry - RegSaveKey saves on remote hosts disk but not mine. 2006-01-20 13:38
524448 Win32::TieRegistry Loading saved key. 2006-01-20 11:07
524430 Re^3: get array number 2006-01-20 08:55
524426 Re: Win32::TieRegistry - deleting values or keys with subkeys present. 2006-01-20 08:28
524418 Re^2: Win32::TieRegistry - deleting values or keys with subkeys present. 2006-01-20 07:08
524210 Win32::TieRegistry - deleting values or keys with subkeys present. 2006-01-19 13:00
524181 Re: a problem with loadable formatter class of perldoc 2006-01-19 10:48
524145 Re: testing a croak 2006-01-19 06:52
523914 Re^4: Win32::TieRegistry cloning keys bug. (ArrayValues) 2006-01-18 07:34
523913 Re^4: searching for keywords 2006-01-18 07:19
523910 Re^2: Code conversion from embedded sql to Perl::MySQL 2006-01-18 07:02
523908 Re: Hiding programs launched within wperl'd script 2006-01-18 06:52
523761 Re: Hashes as return values 2006-01-17 15:56
523755 Re^2: Win32::TieRegistry cloning keys bug. (ArrayValues) 2006-01-17 15:49
523744 Win32::TieRegistry cloning keys bug. 2006-01-17 14:31
523743 Re: CGI how to force browser reload 2006-01-17 14:30
523705 Code conversion from embedded sql to Perl::MySQL 2006-01-17 09:19
523690 Re: Suggestions for optimizing this code... 2006-01-17 06:56
523464 Re: Web client programming troubles 2006-01-16 11:22
523421 Re^3: Win32API::Registry::RegGetKeySecurity how to unpack the structure of $pSecDesc? (misc) 2006-01-16 07:11
523000 Re^2: Win32API::Registry::RegGetKeySecurity how to unpack the structure of $pSecDesc? 2006-01-13 15:01
522978 Re: Searching local files 2006-01-13 13:50
522977 Win32API::Registry::RegGetKeySecurity how to unpack the structure of $pSecDesc? 2006-01-13 13:42
484379 Term::ReadKey - How can I get PgUp, PgDn etc ? 2005-08-17 12:06
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