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These nodes all have stuff by TheDamian (showing 1-50 out of ~273?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
11158768 Re: Endorsement from committer to submit TPF Grant Application to add given/when to 2024-04-08 23:55
11146648 Re: One module to use them all (proxy moudle that exports subs of other modules) 2022-09-02 22:22
11112852 Re: regex for nested "<"/">' 2020-02-12 09:31
1232118 Re: out of order tree generation 2019-04-03 21:02
1218196 Re^2: Regex to pull out string within parenthesis that could contain parenthesis 2018-07-09 21:41
1214222 Re^8: Can I check if a loop's scope is entered for the first time? (Devel::Callsite) 2018-05-08 14:48
1214153 Re^6: Can I check if a loop's scope is entered for the first time? (Devel::Callsite) 2018-05-07 13:58
1214137 Re^5: Can I check if a loop's scope is entered for the first time? (Devel::Callsite) 2018-05-07 06:09
1214136 Re^4: Can I check if a loop's scope is entered for the first time? (Devel::Callsite) 2018-05-07 05:03
1214135 Re^3: Can I check if a loop's scope is entered for the first time? (Devel::Callsite) 2018-05-07 04:11
1214109 Re: Can I check if a loop's scope is entered for the first time? 2018-05-06 08:13
1200490 Re: Pattern Identification 2017-10-01 20:44
1198269 Re: Just before subroutine returns 2017-08-29 14:08
1194536 Re: printing variable and evaluation 2017-07-07 21:33
1180054 Re^6: Feature Idea: qr//e 2017-01-20 19:54
1179954 Re^4: Feature Idea: qr//e 2017-01-19 22:42
1177273 Re: [Perl6] Slurpy array of named arguments? 2016-12-05 19:24
1170412 Re: Check multiple array elements for a single condition 2016-08-25 12:03
1167344 Re^4: Perligata array indices 2016-07-07 00:36
1167280 Re^3: Perligata array indices 2016-07-05 21:24
1167031 Re: Perligata array indices 2016-07-02 04:01
1166654 Re: Best option for "switch/case" functionality? 2016-06-27 11:33
1162844 Re: Tallying overall frequency of characters in a set of strings by position 2016-05-12 08:30
1080641 Re^4: too much free time 2014-04-01 21:27
1080398 Re^2: too much free time 2014-03-31 14:01
1080365 Re^6: Suggestions to make this code more Perlish 2014-03-31 07:40
1080319 Re^4: Suggestions to make this code more Perlish 2014-03-30 19:43
1080278 Re^2: Suggestions to make this code more Perlish 2014-03-30 11:25
766987 Re^4: Named Subroutine Parameters: Compile-time errors vs. Run-time warnings 2009-05-29 23:47
766817 Re^2: Named Subroutine Parameters: Compile-time errors vs. Run-time warnings 2009-05-29 06:29
702524 Re^2: map versus for 2008-08-06 00:14
632301 Re: Was a module use'd or require'd? 2007-08-13 20:18
630161 Re^2: Remove empty column(s) from unpack template 2007-08-01 20:21
604434 Re^2: Opening filenames with special characters 2007-03-12 21:34
586590 Re: Text Columns 2006-11-28 23:02
586069 Re^3: Perl6 Pod -- reinventing the wheel? (=para) 2006-11-26 03:53
586065 Re: Perl6 Pod -- reinventing the wheel? 2006-11-26 00:32
575263 Re^2: Regex Or Die! 2006-09-27 22:25
561373 Re^4: Multi-line comments in perl code? 2006-07-15 00:23
561215 Re^2: Multi-line comments in perl code? 2006-07-14 14:00
561210 Re^2: Multi-line comments in perl code? 2006-07-14 13:33
557425 Re^7: Best practice or cargo cult? 2006-06-25 12:16
556775 Re^5: Best practice or cargo cult? 2006-06-21 21:07
556641 Re^2: Best practice or cargo cult? 2006-06-21 12:49
549881 Re: Getopt::Declare: multiple option lists require terminators? 2006-05-16 20:12
536507 Re: Indirect Filehandles + use strict = error 2006-03-14 10:20
534597 Re: Making Class::Std work with mod_perl 2006-03-05 20:30
534037 Re: 2006-03-02 20:21
532799 Re^3: Class::Accessor and Damian's PBP 2006-02-25 20:09
528919 Re^4: Abusing attributes (possible perl bug?) 2006-02-08 20:18
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