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These nodes all have stuff by Your Mother (showing 1-50 out of ~4280?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
11147680 Re: Stripping links from field 2022-10-25 10:50
11147630 Re^2: grep { } positional number of element 2022-10-23 23:45
11147615 Re: grep { } positional number of element 2022-10-23 21:23
11147419 Re^12: Google considers Perl a useful skill 2022-10-14 00:25
11147406 Re^10: Google considers Perl a useful skill 2022-10-13 14:16
11147405 Re^10: Google considers Perl a useful skill 2022-10-13 14:15
11147386 Re^8: Google considers Perl a useful skill 2022-10-13 01:09
11147379 Re^4: Google considers Perl a useful skill 2022-10-12 21:35
11147330 Re^2: Google scripts, google, and email 2022-10-10 19:52
11147178 Re^2: LWP::UserAgent Client-Warning 500 against HTTP standards? (Predates current standards) 2022-09-30 11:15
11147126 Re: Current State of Financial Data Available to Perl 2022-09-25 20:05
11147109 Re^3: Perl::Critic policy to catch quoted execution? ( Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::SubMethodCallsDontInterpolate ) 2022-09-24 17:42
11147068 Re^2: Perl::Critic policy to catch quoted execution? 2022-09-22 23:57
11147065 Re^2: Perl::Critic policy to catch quoted execution? 2022-09-22 17:29
11147063 Perl::Critic policy to catch quoted execution? 2022-09-22 16:17
11146877 Re^4: Problems with special characters in Linux file names 2022-09-14 10:45
11146830 Re: Module Change Log 2022-09-12 11:53
11146752 Re^3: Regex replacing Brackets with horizontal tabs and newliners 2022-09-07 21:00
11146467 Re^3: incorrect length of strings with diphthongs 2022-08-27 00:17
11146359 Re^4: What if Perl had an OO standard library? 2022-08-24 09:34
11146313 Re: What if Perl had an OO standard library? 2022-08-23 12:33
11146107 Re^3: How to use the right timezone in a DBIx::Class ResultSet call? 2022-08-12 01:14
11146101 Re: Poll idea: Monk's Main Theme? 2022-08-11 16:43
11146085 Re: Comparing time strings from a list of HH:MM:SS times 2022-08-10 19:51
11146083 Re^5: How has your coding style changed over the years? 2022-08-10 16:56
11146056 Re: How to use the right timezone in a DBIx::Class ResultSet call? 2022-08-09 06:51
11145952 Re^3: Extract multiple lists od Identifiers from a FASTA file 2022-08-04 15:02
11145867 Re: URL resolve (operations on path etc.) 2022-07-31 17:27
11145622 Re^3: Regex: match a word stem plus an optional suffix from a group 2022-07-21 02:40
11145401 Re^3: Bad Language In Contact Messages 2022-07-09 20:52
11145394 Re: CGI::Session Cookies 2022-07-09 14:35
11145393 Re^2: Bad Language In Contact Messages 2022-07-09 14:11
11145180 Re: This should be simple 2022-06-29 23:46
11145097 Re^4: Any security holes? 2022-06-26 19:47
11145096 Re^5: Any security holes? 2022-06-26 19:46
11144929 Re^2: The future of Text::CSV_XS - TODO 2022-06-22 02:27
11144753 Re^2: Semi-OT: Tips for docker build/deployment with Perl env 2022-06-15 02:41
11144727 Re^2: Semi-OT: Tips for docker build/deployment with Perl env 2022-06-14 09:18
11144726 Re^2: Semi-OT: Tips for docker build/deployment with Perl env 2022-06-14 09:13
11144720 Semi-OT: Tips for docker build/deployment with Perl env 2022-06-14 01:16
11144715 Re: 20 is a round number 2022-06-13 19:19
11144692 Re^10: RFC: Policy regarding abuses of the voting system 2022-06-11 12:46
11144690 Re^5: Problem with escape sequence \x for hex with spaces "\x{ 263A }" 2022-06-11 10:55
11144635 Re^9: RFC: Policy regarding abuses of the voting system (how fast do you read? 2022-06-10 02:38
11144590 Re^7: RFC: Policy regarding abuses of the voting system 2022-06-09 15:52
11144588 Re: RFC: Policy regarding abuses of the voting system 2022-06-09 15:43
11144136 Re^2: How to get programming help 2022-05-23 18:53
11143827 Re: Is mod_perl going the way of the dinosaur? 2022-05-12 10:51
11142302 Re: Issues with DBIx::Class 2022-03-23 04:40
11142238 Re^2: Spanish translation of pack/unpack tutorial 2022-03-18 18:36
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