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These nodes all have stuff by greenFox (showing 1-50 out of ~374?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
690048 Re^2: Long running Perl Tk processes 2008-06-04 02:57
689224 Long running Perl Tk processes 2008-05-30 14:33
607148 Re: Should I leave behind beautiful code or readable code? 2007-03-29 02:48
601047 Re: Which of the nominations should win the 2007 Academy Award for Best Picture? 2007-02-20 07:48
588280 Re^2: Spam making appearance on the Monastery 2006-12-07 09:23
587763 Re: I post to Perlmonks anonymously... 2006-12-04 23:21
583694 Re^5: My favorite food for feasting: 2006-11-13 12:05
583676 Re^3: My favorite food for feasting: 2006-11-13 09:51
581285 Re: How do I validate an email address? 2006-10-30 13:35
575672 Re: The most unusual place I have logged into Perl Monks from is: 2006-09-30 14:00
571084 Re: Perl 5.9.4 released 2006-09-04 14:06
570694 Re: Most infamous "Last words": 2006-09-01 00:02
567825 Re: backticks spits out error, but I want to handle errors! *shakes fist* 2006-08-17 03:26
565383 Re: Which movie would you like to see first? 2006-08-03 03:56
556694 Re: CPAN Module RPMs 2006-06-21 15:33
556278 Re^3: Determining the dayname for the last day of any given month 2006-06-19 16:00
556236 Re: Determining the dayname for the last day of any given month 2006-06-19 12:10
555437 Re: At the end of the quest, I would hate to face: 2006-06-15 06:35
554270 Re: OT: would this ENV setup make you blow your lid too? 2006-06-08 13:15
553228 Re: command line and quotes 2006-06-02 05:59
552986 Re^2: Is it real? (mu) 2006-06-01 07:12
550874 Re^2: Inplace edit using XML::Twig 2006-05-22 08:07
548460 Re^2: My favorite monk is 2006-05-10 13:58
547969 Re: My favorite monk is 2006-05-08 08:13
547046 Re: Custom module problems 2006-05-03 02:49
546845 Re^2: My online relationships have been: 2006-05-02 09:00
546839 Re: My online relationships have been: 2006-05-02 08:22
544285 Re^2: SQLite test database file 2006-04-19 08:10
544278 SQLite test database file 2006-04-19 07:46
544263 Re: Easiest city to find Perl work: 2006-04-19 05:46
537407 Re^2: At home I most often use 2006-03-17 08:38
500887 Re: Meaning of Maintanability and Functionality in Coding Perl 2005-10-18 06:02
500093 Re^2: I visit PM primarily to... 2005-10-14 01:33
499031 Re: But I WANT to do everything in Perl! 2005-10-11 05:16
495959 Re: Our Saints 2005-09-29 01:32
494359 Re: poll ideas quest 2005-09-23 01:01
494352 The State of the Onion 9 2005-09-23 00:23
491782 Re^2: Perl Path Editor for Unix 2005-09-14 07:53
491520 Re^3: Thoughts on designing a file format. 2005-09-13 08:55
491495 Re: If I were a rich (wo)man... 2005-09-13 06:59
491485 Re: Thoughts on designing a file format. 2005-09-13 06:15
490420 Re: Which topic it most controversial within the halls of our sanctimonious Monastery: 2005-09-09 03:34
490117 Re: deleting first line of a file using in-place editing 2005-09-08 06:41
489785 Re: When are you moving to India to find a better job? 2005-09-07 06:52
488006 Re^3: $20 For Coding Help 2005-08-31 02:43
487651 Re: Roads to Perl 2005-08-30 05:52
485029 Re: Blacklisting with a Regular Expression 2005-08-19 06:12
482820 Re: how do read & display file attributes 2005-08-11 01:13
482507 Re: Reputation: show both up and downvotes 2005-08-10 03:27
480714 Re: The shortest distance between my keyboard and the Monastery is: 2005-08-04 08:14
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