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These nodes all have stuff by misterMatt (showing 1-16 out of ~16?):

Node ID Writeup Created
790160 Re^2: PDF::API2 error when adding images to pdf 2009-08-20 18:11
790024 PDF::API2 error when adding images to pdf 2009-08-20 08:17
789305 PDF::API2::Lite adding images 2009-08-17 23:27
785280 Re^4: qr// and user provided regex patterns... 2009-08-02 21:00
785205 Re^2: qr// and user provided regex patterns... 2009-08-02 07:33
785157 References in Perl 2009-08-02 00:38
784983 Re^2: qr// and user provided regex patterns... 2009-07-31 19:58
784821 Re^2: qr// and user provided regex patterns... 2009-07-31 06:54
784755 CGI::Application beginner help THIS IS RESOLVED 2009-07-30 21:57
784521 Re^4: qr// and user provided regex patterns... 2009-07-30 07:26
784509 Re^2: qr// and user provided regex patterns... 2009-07-30 06:57
784500 qr// and user provided regex patterns... 2009-07-30 06:20
783419 Re^2: File Backup Utility 2009-07-27 00:49
783265 Re^3: File Backup Utility 2009-07-26 03:49
783264 Re^2: File Backup Utility 2009-07-26 03:46
783254 File Backup Utility 2009-07-26 03:04
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