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These nodes all have stuff by nferraz (showing 1-39 out of ~39?):

Node ID Writeup Created
707431 Deobfuscate code from vim 2008-08-28 09:53
631549 Re: Automatically creating data validation module from XSD 2007-08-09 13:26
623656 Re: Flávio Glock hired by Portuguese IT Company Vertical One 2007-06-27 15:34
622218 Re^2: Regular Expression Question !!! 2007-06-20 10:46
621763 Re: Game Events and Scripting 2007-06-18 10:16
621426 Re^3: using hashes to count 2007-06-15 09:43
620545 Re: creating an installation script 2007-06-11 17:45
620534 Don't reinvent the wheel 2007-06-11 16:53
620462 The problem with premature optimization... 2007-06-11 11:07
620057 Re^2: Windows "development environment"? 2007-06-08 17:09
619086 Re: hash with a hash 2007-06-04 10:02
617851 Re^2: Discrete event simulation 2007-05-28 15:03
616970 Re^2: Moving A Template Module Namespace 2007-05-23 10:50
616969 Re: Fishing for constraint => SQL designs 2007-05-23 10:32
616485 Brazilian Experience 2007-05-20 23:32
616178 Re: is this mentality safe? 2007-05-18 10:48
615258 Re^3: What's wrong with Perl 6? 2007-05-14 09:56
614718 Re^4: What's wrong with Perl 6? 2007-05-10 17:51
614688 Re^2: What's wrong with Perl 6? 2007-05-10 16:45
614682 Re^2: Adventures in Perl 6 2007-05-10 16:21
614206 Re^2: Adventures in Perl 6 2007-05-08 17:30
614202 Re^2: Adventures in Perl 6 2007-05-08 17:18
613974 Adventures in Perl 6 2007-05-07 16:33
596759 Re^3: Using the Perl Debugger (-d) 2007-01-26 17:12
572976 Re: Searching text files 2006-09-14 18:57
572968 Re: Code Generation from Test Suites 2006-09-14 18:24
543785 Return a list or an iterator 2006-04-17 09:34
542484 Re: POP3 Mail Client using IO::Socket module only 2006-04-11 08:45
541325 Re: Date-sensitive output with Template Toolkit 2006-04-05 09:53
541208 Re: my $x or my ($x) 2006-04-04 18:53
540438 Re: Perl Purity Test (For Update) 2006-03-31 12:27
540167 .vimrc for perl programmers 2006-03-30 13:21
539233 Re: Your favorite objects NOT of the hashref phylum 2006-03-25 21:49
368164 Re^2: Code Generation in Perl 2004-06-19 13:19
367932 Re^2: Code Generation in Perl 2004-06-18 13:19
367738 Re^2: Code Generation in Perl 2004-06-17 19:23
367698 Re^2: Code Generation in Perl 2004-06-17 17:43
367691 Re^2: Code Generation in Perl 2004-06-17 17:16
367418 Code Generation in Perl 2004-06-16 20:30
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