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These nodes all have stuff by rizzo (showing 1-50 out of ~55?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
11150881 Re^3: Display bundled html files on MetaCPAN 2023-03-10 10:19
11150878 Re: Display bundled html files on MetaCPAN 2023-03-10 01:38
11150019 Re^2: Seeking a way to access a network user's ID 2023-01-29 16:23
11149902 Re^3: Handling reconnection with Mail::IMAPClient 2023-01-26 17:02
11149870 Re: Handling reconnection with Mail::IMAPClient 2023-01-25 13:48
11149629 Re^3: Tk Listbox and SSH command 2023-01-17 06:33
11149612 Re: Tk Listbox and SSH command 2023-01-16 11:40
11148629 Re^6: Mechanism for ensuring only one instance of a Perl script can only run? 2022-12-07 01:24
11148593 Re^3: Mechanism for ensuring only one instance of a Perl script can only run? 2022-12-06 03:34
11148532 Re: Mechanism for ensuring only one instance of a Perl script can only run? 2022-12-03 17:21
11145903 Re: Diagnosing "Input/output error" 2022-08-02 21:40
11145508 Re: How to get the unique canonical path of a given path? 2022-07-13 23:05
11141202 Re: Crontab replacement in Perl 2022-02-07 13:20
11140732 Re: How to get better exponentiation? 2022-01-23 01:20
11134329 Re: [Raku] Cannot Access 2021-06-26 11:04
11115990 Re: using a stochastic matrix to simulate weather conditions 2020-04-23 22:19
11114365 Re: 500 SSL Negotiation failed in perl version 5.6 2020-03-16 20:31
11114154 Re^3: Operate with bits 2020-03-12 04:18
11114119 Re: Operate with bits 2020-03-11 11:04
1231521 Re: CGI::Session cookie won't delete 2019-03-21 08:37
1231404 Re: How do you Carpe diem? 2019-03-18 15:34
1225148 Re^2: My code is most likely broken because: 2018-11-03 07:24
1224231 Re^3: Is use of a simple DSL for a configuration a good idea? 2018-10-18 12:38
1222768 Re^3: which GUI toolkit for this task? 2018-09-21 01:17
1222766 Re: which GUI toolkit for this task? 2018-09-21 00:06
1222764 Re^2: returning to the outer loop 2018-09-20 23:26
1222373 Re: guessing next number on roulette wheel 2018-09-14 14:00
1222329 Re^2: Rounding off ? 2018-09-14 02:20
1219685 Re: DNS problems with Mail::SPF 2018-08-02 08:55
1216651 Re: How to parse /proc/pid/pagemap and create an appropriate data structure 2018-06-14 17:34
1216554 Re: Guidance on choosing suitable license 2018-06-13 12:56
1216510 Re: loop problem 2018-06-12 22:27
1215161 Re^3: if SSLv3 is disabled, why does LWP::UserAgent request indicate successful SSLv3 handshake? 2018-05-24 15:09
1215087 Re: if SSLv3 is disabled, why does LWP::UserAgent request indicate successful SSLv3 handshake? 2018-05-23 08:59
1213089 Re^3: Reacting to Mojo::UserAgent Errors 2018-04-17 21:59
1212618 Re^2: about retrieving and parsing html without writing on disk 2018-04-10 00:30
1212504 Re^3: Free eLearning material for Perl? 2018-04-07 21:53
1212500 Re: Free eLearning material for Perl? 2018-04-07 18:53
1212136 Re: download instead of execution 2018-04-02 05:16
1212024 Re: Not sure how to use HTTP::Tiny 2018-03-30 10:26
1211609 Re: Passing a structure from C to Perl 2018-03-23 14:48
1211488 Re: Making this script process 56,000 lines 5 times faster 2018-03-22 07:27
1211454 Re: What are best practices for Fast CGI nowadays? 2018-03-21 20:22
1210981 Re^4: How do I use 'which' in the hash-bang line? 2018-03-15 18:33
1210977 Re^2: How do I use 'which' in the hash-bang line? 2018-03-15 17:56
1210629 Re: GET request using LWP::UserAgent returns 200 OK but Firefox 302 Found 2018-03-10 18:06
1210581 Re^3: how do i create a global var conditionally? 2018-03-09 17:29
1210573 Re^2: CGI: newlines, write exactly "\r\n" to end the headers, then turn off binmode 2018-03-09 15:31
1210571 Re^2: CGI: newlines, write exactly "\r\n" to end the headers, then turn off binmode 2018-03-09 15:16
1210561 Re: CGI: newlines, write exactly "\r\n" to end the headers, then turn off binmode 2018-03-09 12:19
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