Left Right Description and pseudocode =============================================================== Any undef check whether Any is undefined like: !defined Any Any Object invoke ~~ overloading on Object, or die Right operand is an ARRAY: Left Right Description and pseudocode =============================================================== ARRAY1 ARRAY2 recurse on paired elements of ARRAY1 and ARRAY2[2] like: (ARRAY1[0] ~~ ARRAY2[0]) && (ARRAY1[1] ~~ ARRAY2[1]) && ... HASH ARRAY any ARRAY elements exist as HASH keys like: grep { exists HASH->{$_} } ARRAY Regexp ARRAY any ARRAY elements pattern match Regexp like: grep { /Regexp/ } ARRAY undef ARRAY undef in ARRAY like: grep { !defined } ARRAY Any ARRAY smartmatch each ARRAY element[3] like: grep { Any ~~ $_ } ARRAY Right operand is a HASH: Left Right Description and pseudocode =============================================================== HASH1 HASH2 all same keys in both HASHes like: keys HASH1 == grep { exists HASH2->{$_} } keys HASH1 ARRAY HASH any ARRAY elements exist as HASH keys like: grep { exists HASH->{$_} } ARRAY Regexp HASH any HASH keys pattern match Regexp like: grep { /Regexp/ } keys HASH undef HASH always false (undef can't be a key) like: 0 == 1 Any HASH HASH key existence like: exists HASH->{Any} Right operand is CODE: Left Right Description and pseudocode =============================================================== ARRAY CODE sub returns true on all ARRAY elements[1] like: !grep { !CODE->($_) } ARRAY HASH CODE sub returns true on all HASH keys[1] like: !grep { !CODE->($_) } keys HASH Any CODE sub passed Any returns true like: CODE->(Any) Right operand is a Regexp: Left Right Description and pseudocode =============================================================== ARRAY Regexp any ARRAY elements match Regexp like: grep { /Regexp/ } ARRAY HASH Regexp any HASH keys match Regexp like: grep { /Regexp/ } keys HASH Any Regexp pattern match like: Any =~ /Regexp/ Other: Left Right Description and pseudocode =============================================================== Object Any invoke ~~ overloading on Object, or fall back to... Any Num numeric equality like: Any == Num Num nummy[4] numeric equality like: Num == nummy undef Any check whether undefined like: !defined(Any) Any Any string equality like: Any eq Any