@rem = ' vi:syntax=perl @echo off perl -x -S %0 %* goto endofperl @rem '; #!perl #line 8 # some config vars: my $geom = '1280x1024'; # initial window width x height my $unzip = "c:\\sw\\GnuWin32\\bin\\unzip.exe"; #"c:\\Program Files\\GnuWin32\\bin\\unzip.exe"; # Version: 2009-04-26 use Tk; use Tk::JPEG; use Tk::Pane; use Tk::BrowseEntry; use Tk::DialogBox; use File::Find; use List::Util; use File::stat; use XML::Simple; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; eval { require File::Wildcard::Find }; use strict; use warnings; sub Gui_mw { } { package BrowseEntryDialog; =pod Example: my $bed = BrowseEntryDialog->new( 'Enter Filter Code', sub { warn "Doing '$_[0]'\n" }, ); $bed->update( @preload ) if @preload; $mw->Button( -text => 'Filter', -command => sub { $bed->popup } )->pack; =cut # inside-out my %be; my %dg; my %cb; sub new { my $pkg = shift; my $mw = shift; my $dlg_lbl = shift; my $cb = shift; my $d = $mw->DialogBox( -title => $dlg_lbl, -buttons => [qw( OK Cancel )] ); $d->bind( '', sub { $d->Subwidget('B_Cancel')->invoke } ); my $f = $d->add('Frame')->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' ); my $b = $f->BrowseEntry( -choices => [@_], -buttontakefocus => 1, -width => 80 )->pack; $b->Subwidget('entry')->configure( -validate => 'none' ); my $self = bless {}, $pkg; $be{$self} = $b; $dg{$self} = $d; $cb{$self} = $cb; $self } # if it's not already in the list, adds it at the top. # if it is, it pulls it out of line and moves it to the top. (MRU) sub update { my( $self, @vals ) = @_; my %vals; @vals{@vals} = (); my $ar = $be{$self}->cget('-choices'); @$ar = ( @vals, grep { not exists $vals{$_} } @$ar ); $be{$self}->configure( -choices => $ar ); $self } sub popup { my $self = shift; $be{$self}->Subwidget('entry')->focus; if ( $dg{$self}->Show eq 'OK' ) { my $sr = $be{$self}->cget('-variable'); my $foo = $$sr; eval { # True indicates failure. $cb{$self}->($foo) or $self->update($foo); }; } } } { # XXX Windows specific! local $_ = `assoc .jpg`; my( $assoc ) = /=(.*)$/; $_ = `ftype $assoc`; my( $command ) = /=(.*)$/; sub external_edit { my $fname = shift; $fname =~ s/\//\\/g; my $cmd = $command; $cmd =~ s/%1/$fname/; warn "system => $cmd\n"; system $cmd; } } # WSH for manipulating Windows shortcuts: my $on_Windows = ( $^O =~ /mswin/i ); if ( $on_Windows ) { require Win32::OLE; Win32::OLE->import; Win32::OLE->Option(Warn => 0); my $wsh; sub wsh() { $wsh ||= new Win32::OLE 'WScript.Shell' } } { # begin symlink-related stuff my %from_symlink; # { realpath, symlink } sub create_symlink($) # can THROW EXCEPTIONS { my( $target_path ) = @_; my $lnk_path = $target_path; $lnk_path =~ s#.*[\\/]##; # to be created in cwd if ($on_Windows) { $lnk_path = "Shortcut to $lnk_path.lnk"; $target_path =~ s#/#\\#g; $target_path =~ /^[a-z]:\\/i or die( "invalid target path '$target_path' - Must be absolute!\n" ), return(); my $shcut = wsh()->CreateShortcut($lnk_path) or die( qq(Error creating symlink named "$lnk_path"\n) ), return(); $shcut->{'TargetPath'} = $target_path; # 'Arguments' is a string appended to the actual target path field: # $shcut->{'Arguments'} = "-w 640 -h 480"; # 'Description' is shown as the "Comments:" field in the Shortcut Properties window: $shcut->{'Description'} = "Foo! Bar!"; # these two could be useful, but are NOT automatically set when # TargetPath is set: # $shcut->RelativePath # $shcut->WorkingDirectory $shcut->Save; -e $lnk_path or die( qq(Failed to create symlink "$lnk_path") ), return(); } else { warn "symlinks not yet supported on non-Windows platforms. :-(\n"; } # now we know this file as symlinked. Useful in case we want # to delete the symlink during the same session. warn qq(Remembering symlink "$target_path" => "$lnk_path"\n); $from_symlink{lc $target_path} = $lnk_path; $lnk_path # a success message } sub remove_symlink { my $file = shift; $file =~ s#/#\\#g; if ( $from_symlink{lc $file} ) { if ( unlink $from_symlink{lc $file} ) { warn qq(Forgetting symlink "$file" => "$from_symlink{lc $file}"\n); delete $from_symlink{lc $file}; } else { alert( qq(Error trying to unlink symlink "$from_symlink{lc $file}" => "$file" : $!\n) ); } } else { alert( "Ctrl-Del means nothing unless the file was loaded via a symlink/shortcut!\n($file)\n" ); } } sub real_path($) { #Carp::confess "real_path(@_)\n"; my $path = shift; my $shcut; if ( $on_Windows ) { $shcut = wsh()->CreateShortcut($path); } # non-Windows not yet supported $shcut or return $path; my $realpath = $shcut->TargetPath; warn qq("$realpath" => "$path"\n); $from_symlink{lc $realpath} = $path; $realpath } sub symlinked($) { my $f = shift; $f =~ s#/#\\#g; exists $from_symlink{lc $f} } } # end symlink-related stuff. { my $tmpdir; sub expand_zip_files { my $files_ar = shift; # \@files unless ( $tmpdir ) { my $dir = "tmp.$$"; while ( -e $dir and !-d $dir ) { warn "Can't use $dir; trying ${dir}a ...\n"; $dir .= 'a' } -d $dir or mkdir $dir or return alert( "Failed to create tmp dir $dir - $!" ); $tmpdir = $dir; } my $suck_tmpdir; my @f = map { if ( /\.zip$/i ) { system $unzip, $_, '-d', $tmpdir and exit alert( "unzip seems to have failed" ); $suck_tmpdir = 1; (); } else { $_ } } @$files_ar; $suck_tmpdir and push @f, glob "$tmpdir/*"; @$files_ar = @f; # only update the list if everything went OK } END { if ( defined $tmpdir ) { system qq(rmdir /s /q "$tmpdir") and warn qq(rmdir /s /q "$tmpdir" seems to have failed!); -e $tmpdir or warn "\nCleaned up.\n"; undef $tmpdir; } } } { # this is the "List" pseudo-package / singleton object. my @files; my $ii = -1; # image index my $slideshow_file; sub List_slideshow_filename() { $slideshow_file } sub List_count() { scalar @files } sub List_current_item() { @files && $ii >= 0 ? $files[$ii] : undef } sub List_current_item_seqno() { $ii+1 } # this is a 1-based index. sub List_remove_current_item() { @files && $ii >= 0 or return; splice @files, $ii, 1; $ii > $#files and $ii =0; } sub List_initialize_from_file { my $file = shift; $file =~ s#\/#\\#g if $on_Windows; # XXX my $ds = XMLin $file; $ds or return alert("Error opening $file !!!"); $slideshow_file = $file; bless $_, 'FileItem' for @{ $ds->{'item'} }; @files = @{ $ds->{'item'} }; } # unceremoniously dumps the previous contents of @files onto the ground. sub List_initialize_from_filenames { expand_zip_files( \@_ ); my $n_before = @_; @files = map FileItem->new_from_filename($_), @_; my $n_after = @files; my $n_failed = $n_before - $n_after; $n_failed and alert("Looks like $n_failed of the $n_before files specified did not pass the image validator."); undef $slideshow_file; } sub List_add_from_filenames { expand_zip_files( \@_ ); push @files, map FileItem->new_from_filename($_), @_; # should probably remove dups. } sub List_set_index_0 { $ii = 0; } sub List_advance_index { $ii = ( $ii + @files - 1 ) % @files; } sub List_retreat_index { $ii = ( $ii + 1 ) % @files; } sub List_count_selected() { scalar( grep { $_->is_selected } @files ) } sub List_get_selected() { grep { $_->is_selected } @files } sub List_clear_selection() { $_->unselect for @files } sub List_invert_selection() { $_->toggle_selection_state() for @files } sub List_set_no_current_item { $ii = -1 } sub List_set_current_item { my $obj = shift; $ii = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#files; $i++ ) { $files[$i] eq $obj and $ii = $i; } } sub List_for_each { my $code = shift; # remaining args will be passed wantarray and return map { ref $code ? $code->( $_, @_ ) : $_->$code( @_ ) } @files; my $n; if ( ref $code ) { $n += !!$code->( $_, @_ ) for @files; } else # assume it's a method name { $n += !!$_->$code( @_ ) for @files; } $n; } sub List_filter { my $func = shift; @files = $func->( @files ); } # notice that in the resulting XML, the first line () has a leading space, # the lines have a leading tab, and the last line has the < in the first column. # this has the effect that when passed through sort, the first line stays first # and the last line stays last. sub List_as_xml { local $_ = XMLout \@files; # may need to handle the possibility of the XML having newlines within each 'record'. s/opt>$/list>/mg; s/({'Error'} and warn("$filename: Error: $self->{'Error'}\n"), return(); $self->{'FileSize'} =~ s/mb/000000/i; $self->{'FileSize'} =~ s/kb/000/i; $self->{'FileSize'} =~ s/b//i; $self->{'filename'} = $filename; $self->sanitize_datamembers; $self } sub sanitize_property_name_and_value { my( $self, $name, $value ) = @_; for ( $name ) { s/ \((.+)\)$/_$1/; s/[^0-9a-zA-Z_:]+/_/g; } for ( $value ) { s/[^\x20-\x7E]/ /g; s/"/'/g; s/\s+/ /g; s/\s+$//; } ( $name, $value ) } sub sanitize_datamembers { my $self = shift; %$self = map { $self->sanitize_property_name_and_value( $_, $self->{$_} ) } keys %$self; $self } sub as_string { my $self = shift; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0; my @a = split /\n/, Dumper($self); pop @a; shift @a; s/,$// for @a; s/'$// for @a; s/ => '/: / for @a; s/ => /: / for @a; join "\n", sort @a; } sub show_info { my $self = shift; if ( ::Gui_mw() ) { ::alert( $self->as_string ); } else { warn $self->as_string; } } sub name { my $self = shift; $on_Windows ? lc( $self->{'filename'} ) : $self->{'filename'} } sub set_as_current { my $self = shift; ::List_set_current_item( $self ); $self } sub set_properties { my( $self, $hr ) = @_; $self->{$_} = $hr->{$_} for keys %$hr; $self } sub property { my( $self, $propname ) = @_; $self->{$propname} } sub set_scrolledto { my $self = shift; $self->{'scrolledto_x'} = shift; $self->{'scrolledto_y'} = shift; $self } sub scrolledto_x { exists $_[0]{'scrolledto_x'} ? $_[0]{'scrolledto_x'} : 0.5 } sub scrolledto_y { exists $_[0]{'scrolledto_y'} ? $_[0]{'scrolledto_y'} : 0.5 } sub set_scalefactor { my( $self, $sf ) = @_; $self->{'scale_factor'} = $sf; $self } sub scalefactor { my( $self ) = @_; $self->{'scale_factor'} || 0 } sub is_selected { my $self = shift; $self->{'selected'} } sub select { my $self = shift; $self->{'selected'} = 'selected'; $self } sub unselect { my $self = shift; delete $self->{'selected'}; $self } sub toggle_selection_state { my $self = shift; $self->is_selected ? $self->unselect : $self->select } # List_current_item()->update_pos( Gui_scrolled()->xview, Gui_scrolled()->yview ); sub update_pos { my( $self, $xlo,$xhi, $ylo,$yhi ) = @_; # these are all normalized to the current size of the image [0,1] # that is, when the image exactly fits in the viewport, # lo=0 and hi=1. #my($xlo,$xhi) = Gui_scrolled()->xview; #my($ylo,$yhi) = Gui_scrolled()->yview; $self->set_scrolledto( ( $xhi + $xlo ) / 2, ( $yhi + $ylo ) / 2 ); } } # end of package FileItem sub initialize_data_structures { my $read_from_stdin; # -i means get specs from stdin, NOT from cmdline my $initial_scalefactor; my @initial_commands; # those which affect the loaded data, principally the list. my @postinit_commands; # those which affect the gui, e.g. call GUI commands my $slideshow_file; my $slideshow_dir; my $use_File_Wildcard; my $directory_recursion_depth; # undef means unlimited. $::auto_advance_time = 2000; # milliseconds =pod These are the commands which it might make some sense to allow "calling" via commandline switches: Edit_order_by_file_name Edit_order_by_file_size Edit_order_random Edit_order_reverse File_open File_print_to_stdout File_save_as File_write_batch_copier_onto_clipboard File_write_onto_clipboard =cut GetOptions( 'input|stdin!' => \$read_from_stdin, 'iconified|iconify|iconized!' => \$::begin_iconified, 'destination=s' => \$::dest_dir, 'file=s' => \$slideshow_file, 'directory|folder=s' => \$slideshow_dir, 'recurse|recursion_limit=i' => \$directory_recursion_depth, # initial commands: those which affect the loaded data, principally the list: 'scale|factor=i' => sub { my $scale = pop; push @initial_commands, sub { List_for_each( set_scalefactor => $scale ) } }, 'grep=s' => sub { my $code = pop; push @initial_commands, sub { run_custom_filter('grep',$code) } }, 'sort=s' => sub { my $code = pop; push @initial_commands, sub { run_custom_filter('sort',$code) } }, # commands which can't be run until after the gui is initialized: 'exit!' => sub { push @postinit_commands, \&File_exit }, 'auto!' => sub { push @postinit_commands, \&View_start_slideshow }, 'first!' => sub { push @postinit_commands, \&View_first }, 'byname!' => sub { push @postinit_commands, \&Edit_order_by_file_name }, 'bysize!' => sub { push @postinit_commands, \&Edit_order_by_file_size }, 'random!' => sub { push @postinit_commands, \&Edit_order_random }, ); # note that any post-init commands on the commandline *after* --exit will never get executed! # Changed: No longer reads from cwd by default. # You must now specify the files/folders you want to read, explicitly - even the cwd (.). my @args = grep { chomp; s/\s*#.*//; # kill comments s,\\,\/,g; # XXX system specific! /\S/ } $read_from_stdin ? <> : @ARGV; my $slideshow_on_disk_type; # value will be a keyword string, one of: 'xml', 'symlinks', defined $slideshow_file && defined $slideshow_dir and exit alert("You can't specify both a slideshow file AND a slideshow directory, Silly!"); if ( defined $slideshow_file ) { -e $slideshow_file && !-f $slideshow_file and exit alert("$slideshow_file exists but is not a file!"); if ( -e $slideshow_file ) { warn "reading list from XML file $slideshow_file\n"; # attempt to load the file as XML List_initialize_from_file( $slideshow_file ); $slideshow_on_disk_type = 'xml'; } else # doesn't exist yet. Don't try to read it now, but remember it for later. { } } if( defined $slideshow_dir ) { -e $slideshow_dir && !-d $slideshow_dir and exit alert("$slideshow_dir exists but is not a directory!"); if ( -e $slideshow_dir ) # exists a directory already { warn "Using $slideshow_dir as directory of symlinks\n"; # first, assert that the folder contains no files of any type other than symlink exit alert( "Not implemented yet!" ); $slideshow_on_disk_type = 'symlinks'; } else # doesn't exist yet. Don't try to read it now, but remember it for later. { } } # now handle filespecs from the commandline: if ( @args ) # filespecs { $use_File_Wildcard &&= grep /File.Wildcard.Find/, keys %INC; # can't use it if it hasn't been loaded. my @filenames; if ( $use_File_Wildcard ) { #warn "using File::Wildcard::Find\n"; @filenames = map File::Wildcard->new( path => $_, case_insensitive => 1, follow => 1, ellipsis_order => 'breadth-first', sort => 1, debug => 0, )->all, @args; } else { warn "\nusing glob\n\n"; @filenames = #map { real_path($_) } # resolves symlinks/shortcuts map { glob( /\s/ ? qq("$_") : $_ ) } @args; } if ( @filenames ) { while ( !defined($directory_recursion_depth) or $directory_recursion_depth-- ) { my $n_dirs_expanded; @filenames = map { -d $_ ? do { $n_dirs_expanded++; glob( /\s/ ? qq("$_/*") : qq($_/*) ) } : $_ } @filenames; $n_dirs_expanded or last; } if ( List_count() ) { my $choice = choice_prompt( -title => 'List Spec Conflict', -text => "There is already a slideshow resident, but your commandline args have specified ".@filenames." other files.\nWhat do you want to do?", -buttons => [ "Add spec'd files to the current slideshow", "Replace current slideshow contents with spec'd files", "Discard the list of spec'd files", ], ); defined $choice or exit alert( "BOGUS! choice_prompt() returned undef!" ); if ( $choice =~ /^A/ ) { List_add_from_filenames( @filenames ); } elsif ( $choice =~ /^R/ ) { List_initialize_from_filenames( @filenames ); } } else { List_initialize_from_filenames( @filenames ); } } else { alert("You gave some filespecs on the commandline, but no filenames resulted!"); } } alert( "Loaded ".List_count()." files.\n" ); $_->() for @initial_commands; *process_postinit_commands = sub { $_->() for @postinit_commands }; } # end initialize_data_structures { my $autoadvancing; my $showimage_timer; sub clear_showimage_timer { Gui_mw() or return; Gui_mw()->afterCancel( $showimage_timer ); $showimage_timer = undef; } sub set_showimage_timer { Gui_mw() or return; clear_showimage_timer(); $showimage_timer = Gui_mw()->after( 100, \&show_image ); } my $autoadvance_timer; sub start_autoadvancing { Gui_mw() or return; stop_autoadvancing(); $autoadvance_timer = Gui_mw()->after( $::auto_advance_time, sub { View_next(); start_autoadvancing(); } ); $autoadvancing=1; } sub stop_autoadvancing { Gui_mw() or return; Gui_mw()->afterCancel( $autoadvance_timer ) if defined $autoadvance_timer; undef $autoadvance_timer; $autoadvancing=0; } sub Menu_add_autoadvancing_checkbutton { my $menu = shift; # a Menu widget $menu->checkbutton( -label => 'AutoAdvance', -command => sub { $autoadvancing ? View_start_slideshow() : View_stop_slideshow(); }, -onvalue => 1, -offvalue => 0, -variable => \$autoadvancing, ); } } sub Gui_die_die_die { my $mw = Gui_mw() or return; $mw->destroy; undef $mw; no warnings; *Gui_mw = sub { }; } sub Gui_initialize { my $mw = new MainWindow; !List_count() and alert( "No files found!\n" ); $mw->iconify if $::begin_iconified; my $menubar = $mw->Menu( -type => 'menubar' ); $mw->configure( -menu => $menubar ); my $scrolled = $mw ->Scrolled( 'Pane', -scrollbars => 'osoe', ) # -width => 640, -height => 480, ) ->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both', ); my $imagit = $scrolled ->Label ->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both', ); no warnings; *Gui_mw = sub { $mw }; *Gui_menubar = sub { $menubar }; *Gui_scrolled = sub { $scrolled }; *Gui_imagit = sub { $imagit }; # create menu and other bindings: my $commands_config = <bind( '' => sub { undef $::last_x } ); Gui_imagit()->bind( '' => [ \&drag, Ev('X'), Ev('Y'), ] ); Gui_mw()->bind( "" => [ sub { my( $xscroll, $yscroll ) = Gui_scrolled()->Subwidget( 'xscrollbar', 'yscrollbar' ); if ( $yscroll->ismapped ) { $_[1] > 0 ? View_scroll_up() : View_scroll_down() } # elsif ( $xscroll->ismapped ) # { # $_[1] > 0 ? View_scroll_left() : View_scroll_right() # } # maybe use button3down to indicate that we want horizontal scrolling. }, Ev('D') ] ); add_event_handler( \&Help, 'KeyPress-F1' ); # display the keysym of keypresses not otherwise bound: Gui_mw()->bind( '' => [ sub { shift; print "KeyPress = @_ \n"; }, Ev('s'), Ev('K'), Ev('k'), ] ); # if there's ever anything you want to do when the window is resized: #Gui_mw()->bind( "" => [ sub { my(undef,$W,$h,$w)=@_; return unless $W == Gui_mw(); %scale_factor=(); }, Ev('W'), Ev('h'), Ev('w') ] ); # however, it looks like the handler does what we need. # and start me up! Gui_mw()->after( 100, sub { process_postinit_commands(); Gui_mw()->geometry( $geom . '+0+0' ); # set initial width, height View_first(); }); Gui_mw()->bind( '' => [ sub { $_[0] == Gui_mw() and show_image() }, Ev('c'), Ev('h'), Ev('w'), ] ); warn "\nReady!\n"; } # Gui_initialize. { # start of subs sub Help { alert(<yview( scroll => -0.1, 'pages' ); List_current_item()->update_pos( Gui_scrolled()->xview, Gui_scrolled()->yview ); } sub View_scroll_down { Gui_scrolled()->yview( scroll => 0.1, 'pages' ); List_current_item()->update_pos( Gui_scrolled()->xview, Gui_scrolled()->yview ); } sub View_scroll_left { Gui_scrolled()->xview( scroll => -0.1, 'pages' ); List_current_item()->update_pos( Gui_scrolled()->xview, Gui_scrolled()->yview ); } sub View_scroll_right { Gui_scrolled()->xview( scroll => 0.1, 'pages' ); List_current_item()->update_pos( Gui_scrolled()->xview, Gui_scrolled()->yview ); } sub choice_prompt { my %args = @_; # just as for Tk::DialogBox, i.e. -title and -buttons, but also -text my $text = delete $args{'-text'}; my $response; if ( Gui_mw() ) { my $d = Gui_mw()->DialogBox( %args ); $d->add('Label', -text => $text ); $response = $d->Show; } else { local @ARGV; # so that <> doesn't try to read files. my $n; print "\n$text\n\n"; READ_NUMBER_INPUT: for ( 0 .. $#{ $args{'-buttons'} } ) { print ''.($_+1).") $args{'-buttons'}[$_]\n"; } $n = <>; chomp $n; $n =~ /^\d+$/ or goto READ_NUMBER_INPUT; $n--; $n >= 0 && $n <= $#{ $args{'-buttons'} } or goto READ_NUMBER_INPUT; $response = $args{'-buttons'}[$n]; } $response } sub alert { if ( Gui_mw() ) { Gui_mw()->messageBox( -message => $_[0], -type => 'Ok', -icon => 'warning', -title => 'Warning' ); } else { warn "$_[0]\n"; } 1 # since we often do things like exit alert('...'); } sub filter # rearrange the list or remove items from it. { my $func = pop; if ( List_current_item() ) { my $current = List_current_item(); clear_showimage_timer(); List_filter( $func ); $current->set_as_current(); # re-find the proper index. set_showimage_timer(); # necessary? } else { # running this filter before we've begun displaying. List_filter( $func ); } } # binds a given command to a key or a menu item. # the keysym(s) get bound directly to the cmd. # the menu entry (bound to the cmd) is added to the menu. sub add_menu_command { my( $cmd, $menu, $label, $accel_string ) = @_; $::Menu{$menu} ||= Gui_menubar()->cascade( -label => $menu, -underline => 0, -tearoff => 1, ); $::Menu{$menu}->command( -label => $label, -command => $cmd, defined($accel_string) ? ( -accelerator => $accel_string ) : () ); 1; } sub add_menu_separator { my( $menu, ) = @_; $::Menu{$menu} ||= Gui_menubar()->cascade( -label => $menu, -underline => 0, -tearoff => 1, ); $::Menu{$menu}->separator(); 1; } sub add_event_handler { my( $cmd, @eventsyms ) = @_; Gui_mw()->bind( $_, $cmd ) for map { /^<.*>$/ ? $_ : "<$_>" } @eventsyms; } sub add_command { my( $cmd, $menu, $label, $keysym, @additional_keysyms ) = @_; # $keysym should be the full keysym spec, NOT including the angle brackets. my $accel = $keysym; $accel =~ s/KeyPress-//i; add_menu_command( $cmd, $menu, $label, $accel ); add_event_handler( $cmd, $keysym, @additional_keysyms ); } sub Edit_order_by_file_name { # the 'name' method is special, in that it returns a string which is # case-sensitive or not, depending on the OS. filter( sub { sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @_ } ) } sub Edit_order_by_file_size { filter( sub { sort { $a->property('FileSize') <=> $b->property('FileSize') } @_ } ) } sub Edit_order_random { filter( sub { List::Util::shuffle(@_) } ) } sub Edit_order_reverse { filter( sub { reverse @_ } ) } # let the user define a custom filter. # they have a choice of grep or sort. # we use string eval on whatever they enter. (Shhh!) # see the note above about how to grep/sort using the # info stored in %fileinfo. sub run_custom_filter { my( $fltyp, $code ) = @_; $code =~ s#(\$[ab_])\.(\w+)#$1->property('$2')#g; undef $@; my $evalcode = "sub { $fltyp {\n$code\n} \@_ }"; #warn "Will eval this code to create a lambda:\n$evalcode\n"; my $sub = eval $evalcode; unless ( $@ ) { my $before = List_count(); eval { filter( $sub ); }; my $after = List_count(); $fltyp eq 'grep' and warn "$before files before grep, $after files after.\n"; $@ or return 0; } local $_ = $@; s/ at \(eval \d+\) line \d+.*//; alert( qq(Error:\n $fltyp {\n $code\n }\n$_) ); 1; # failure } sub grep_bed_popup { $::grep_bed ||= new BrowseEntryDialog Gui_mw(), "Enter grep code", sub { run_custom_filter( grep => $_[0] ) }; $::grep_bed->popup; } sub sort_bed_popup { $::sort_bed ||= new BrowseEntryDialog Gui_mw(), "Enter sort code", sub { run_custom_filter( sort => $_[0] ) }; $::sort_bed->popup; } =pod Image scaling here is designed to strike a balance between not wanting to scroll too much and not wanting to lose too much resolution by downsampling. The heuristic is: 1. if the image fits within the scrolled pane in one or both dimensions (that is, only zero or one scrollbar would be shown), no downsampling is done. 2. otherwise (i.e. if two scrollbars would be needed), the downsampling factor is incremented (from 1) until condition #1 (above) is met. (Of course, we don't actually increment and check like that; we calculate the desired factor algebraically.) This way, when you do have to scroll, it will often be on one axis only; and the distance you'll have to scroll will be minimized (or rather, optimized). Another approach would be to downsample the picture sufficiently such that the image always fits entirely within the pane, and scrolling won't be necessary, but I'd rather give minimization of resolution loss slightly more weight than eliminating the need to scroll. =cut sub factor { my( $n, $m ) = @_; ($n>$m) ? int($n/$m) : 1 } sub min { $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] } sub clear_window_title { Gui_mw() or return; Gui_mw()->configure( -title => "- - - - - - - - - - -" ); } sub set_window_title { Gui_mw() or return; defined List_current_item() or return Carp::cluck("No 'current' defined (#files=".List_count().")"); my $z = List_current_item()->property('FileSize'); $z =~ s/000000$/mb/; $z =~ s/000$/kb/; Gui_mw()->configure( -title => join ' ', (List_current_item()->is_selected() ? '#' : ' '), #(List_current_item()->symlinked() ? 'K' : ' '), "[".List_current_item_seqno()."/".List_count()."]", List_current_item()->name, "(". List_current_item()->property('ImageWidth') ." x ". List_current_item()->property('ImageHeight') . ")", $z, ); } sub clear_image { Gui_imagit()->configure( -image => undef ); } sub logo_imagedata_64 { qq{/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0a HBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwhMjIyMjIy MjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjL/wAARCAB5AHADASIA AhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQA AAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3 ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWm p6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEA AwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSEx BhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElK U1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3 uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD3+iii gAorJ1nxPovh/YNU1CK3d8bY+Xcg552qCccHnGKp674lt7bwVceINPuPOiEavA8YDBmLAAMD23HD DhgN2MEVDqRV9djpp4SvNwtF2k0k7Ozb8zoqKy7LWo77X9U0pIWVtOWHfIx4cyKWwB6AAc+pPHGS 3U9TuLfWdI021jy95JI80jRF1jhjXLdGGCWZFBORz9AXzq1/67ErD1Ofkas7X+Vua/3amtRRWTrP ifRfD+wapqEVu742x8u5BzztUE44POMU3JRV2yKdKdWXJTi2+yV2a1Fc34g8TRweDJNW0eVbmW5V YrHyz8zyOdo2qQcsOTtxn5SDjmukpKSbsip0J04Kcla7a87q1/zCiiiqMQooooAKqarff2ZpF7f+ X5n2WCSbZuxu2qTjPbOKt1k6tquhJ5+latf2sHnQfvIp5hFvjfcvBJGejDg5HtkVMnZbmtCDnNe6 2uqXYyNG8C2MO++15ItX1i4y1xcXC70ycfKiHgAYABxn6D5RR1iw02DxPo+j2cEFnZwTNrd95eI1 iEahI35+UKSMMAM8Z45JwZfH2o+HdZTS7W/tfE1oZNkWzd9owVUIhkUbGOT1AYkg5wTgVvEVxqB1 vxPJJb3kWqXGlQpFbjEkcNsUD3BLEbdoKsuR1ZjgZPHDKpT5bRWz1/PfzsfU0cFjXX5689JRbjrZ atR+HRpRvfaysdhpnjDSItIk1uWO6gOq3bm2tiBJLcMirGBGq88iNRz0Y4zggnL0nxDHcalrfjTV LSeytrC2j05IcZffkNIjDruEjKATtGDyBzjGttYB8W2a2VvdTPa2kVl4fhuopEWRWUq10+P4AqnJ C/MpHA2kjDnP2jwfaQXcGqLbQXdxLrVwsO5lu23LFneQSQANwyB84ydxFS68vu/P+nf0N6eWUrtN Nc9lvqou7sl6RUbu95OyR6HpfxBmvbe8e70KWzki0x9TgVpwwmiUkddoK5IGODkc9MZt6N4FsYd9 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j+EdMmtvbRv/AFoed/ZtXlbur6tLrJJXbVltbq7X2Wuh2VZ2ial/a2mm8DROjTzpG8RyrIkropBy c5VQc+9ec6r4p8T634RTWNNnXToSyWggWP8AfXsrgBzESCQAxwoU54ckggCqk2peJPA+lRacNb06 S4842UVmtsFjh+RH83zSEG4eYmd2Qd+STg4xeKSd7Ox6FPIqkqfI5x9o3a2ult72TXVeS6u+h7FR Xm1h4y1LR9G1C71jUbXUIY54VtbhEVDdDcq3AiXK7wmSA2ME85xwOq0OLXLpl1TVL9oY51Ekelxw qFgBBwruy72bBUn7uGBHI4rWFZT0SPPxGW1KCcpyVlonrq7J2Wl9L63tZ6PU36KKK2PPCiiigArJ 8U/8ihrX/XhP/wCi2rWrhPFWl+LZJ7+z0NLOSw1hh9olk+WS3+RI2HJwVKp1Ck8txkAnOrJqLsrn bl9KNSvHmmo2s9dFo119P8jmPDvhXxPdaHNZqFgtdStlmk1D7Vlpo/JAggxyVVS2G45XIBwBufot x4st/EswtvD0U15pekw6YYTdIBHkB0djnDZIJwuOCBnIyfV9Ps49O021sYWZoraFIULnLEKABnHf is7StJa08Qa9qUgYNfTQhMsCpjjiUAgDkHcXHPoPx5/q3Ly2b/r/AIJ67zv2vtnUhFprTfV3S11/ l+6ytZaHNP4Y13RNOs9R0tLDUddjknluhOhCyyTlN7xncoUgIF7AqW4BODXs/CWuX9treua/tk1u 7sp7a0tFKlbcMpAAOSATnAwejHJJY49GorX6vC/9ff6nAs4xCi1ZXfW2tr35fKN+i9L2OP1/Q75v DWgRaTaNNLpNza3AtZ5kSR1jXG0sPl3cjJ6cHGeAeW1fwT4iuXGtzafYapqN/HsvbKVtqwHcChjY MvRVVD8xPXlgxx6zRRPDxnuPDZxXw6XIlu9db662vfa+ulndLU8/i8JandNoWo6zumvLe9jcWtmU jhsIAGIRVyAQGEe48thQBnGT6BRRWkKahsceKxlTEtc9tL2S0Su7/wBfjqFFFFWcoUUUUAFFFFAB RRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFAH/9k= } } sub show_default_image { my $logo_image; eval { my $oi = Gui_mw()->Photo( 'logo', -data => logo_imagedata_64(), ); $logo_image = $oi; }; if ( $@ ) { alert( $@ ); return; } $logo_image or alert( "Failed to create a Photo object from in-memory data" ); clear_window_title(); Gui_imagit()->configure( -image => 'logo', -width => $logo_image->width, -height => $logo_image->height, ); Gui_imagit()->update; Gui_scrolled()->update; Gui_mw()->update; } sub show_image { Gui_mw() or return; # not ready to do GUI stuff. List_current_item() or return show_default_image(); clear_window_title(); my $original_image; eval { my $oi = Gui_mw()->Photo( 'fullscale', -file => List_current_item()->name, ); $original_image = $oi; }; if ( $@ ) { print STDERR "\nDon't worry about the above; it was caused when trying to read the file\n\t".List_current_item()->{'filename'}."\n(which was subsequently removed from the list.)\n\n"; alert( "Failed to create a Photo object from file\n".List_current_item()->name."\n$@\n\nImage removed from list!" ); Edit_remove_current(); goto &show_image; #return; } $original_image or alert( "Failed to create a Photo object from file\n".List_current_item()->name ); # it's possible to manipulate an image during reading # from disk, but unfortunately you don't get quite as # much control as you do when copying one image to another, # and some of the things we need to do we can only do # during copy, not reading. my $factor = min( factor( $original_image->width, Gui_scrolled()->width ), factor( $original_image->height, Gui_scrolled()->height ), ) + ( List_current_item()->scalefactor() || 0 ); my $scaled_image = Gui_mw()->Photo( 'myScaledImage' ); $scaled_image or return alert( "Failed to create a Photo(myScaledImage)!" ); $scaled_image->copy( $original_image, -shrink => -subsample => $factor, $factor ); Gui_imagit()->configure( -image => 'myScaledImage', # the (arbitrary) name we have assigned to the image we've stored in memory. -width => $scaled_image->width, -height => $scaled_image->height, ); # do these later? Gui_imagit()->update; Gui_scrolled()->update; Gui_mw()->update; ( $::iwidth, $::iheight ) = ( $scaled_image->width, $scaled_image->height ); #( $::iwidth, $::iheight ) = ( Gui_imagit()->width, Gui_imagit()->height ); # imagit width and height are 4 pixels greater than image width and height. my $xmid = List_current_item()->scrolledto_x(); my $ymid = List_current_item()->scrolledto_y(); my $xscrollto = $xmid - Gui_scrolled()->width / ( $::iwidth * 2 ); my $yscrollto = $ymid - Gui_scrolled()->height / ( $::iheight * 2 ); my $kx = Gui_imagit()->width / $scaled_image->width; my $ky = Gui_imagit()->height / $scaled_image->height; $kx = 1 + 5 * ( $kx - 1 ); $ky = 1 + 5 * ( $ky - 1 ); $xscrollto *= $kx; $yscrollto *= $ky; $xscrollto <= 0.002 and $xscrollto = 0; $yscrollto <= 0.002 and $yscrollto = 0; $xscrollto >= 0 and Gui_scrolled()->xview( moveto => $xscrollto ); $yscrollto >= 0 and Gui_scrolled()->yview( moveto => $yscrollto ); List_current_item()->update_pos( Gui_scrolled()->xview, Gui_scrolled()->yview ); set_window_title(); } sub drag { my( $w, $x, $y ) = @_; if ( defined $::last_x ) { my( $xscroll, $yscroll ) = Gui_scrolled()->Subwidget( 'xscrollbar', 'yscrollbar' ); my( $dx, $dy ) = ( $x-$::last_x, $y-$::last_y ); my( $xf1, $xf2 ) = $xscroll->get; my( $yf1, $yf2 ) = $yscroll->get; if ( $dx < 0 ) { Gui_scrolled()->xview( moveto => $xf1-($dx/$::iwidth) ); } else { Gui_scrolled()->xview( moveto => $xf1-($xf2*$dx/$::iwidth) ); } if ( $dy < 0 ) { Gui_scrolled()->yview( moveto => $yf1-($dy/$::iheight) ); } else { Gui_scrolled()->yview( moveto => $yf1-($yf2*$dy/$::iheight) ); } List_current_item()->update_pos( Gui_scrolled()->xview, Gui_scrolled()->yview ); } ( $::last_x, $::last_y ) = ( $x, $y ); } sub File_exit { Gui_die_die_die(); } sub File_open { List_count() and alert("Warning! If you open a slideshow file, you will lose any changes you have made to the current slideshow!"); my $open_file = Gui_mw()->getOpenFile( -defaultextension => '.slideshow', -filetypes => [ ['Slideshow Files', '.slideshow' ], ['All Files', '*' ] ], ) or return; List_initialize_from_file( $open_file ); View_first(); } sub File_save_as { my $saveas_file = Gui_mw()->getSaveFile( -defaultextension => '.slideshow', -filetypes => [ ['Slideshow Files', '.slideshow' ], ['All Files', '*' ] ], List_slideshow_filename() ? ( -initialfile => List_slideshow_filename() ) : () ) or return; open F, '>', $saveas_file or return alert("Unable to open file for writing:\n$saveas_file\n$!"); print F List_as_xml(); close F; } sub File_print_to_stdout { print List_as_xml(); } sub File_write_onto_clipboard { Gui_mw()->clipboardClear; List_for_each( sub { local $_ = shift; Gui_mw()->clipboardAppend($_->name."\n"); } ); } sub File_write_batch_copier_onto_clipboard { my $dd = defined $::dest_dir ? $::dest_dir : '.'; if ( ! -d $dd ) { alert( "The dest dir '$dd' does not exist, or is not valid from where you launched the program." ); return; } Gui_mw()->clipboardClear; Gui_mw()->clipboardAppend(qq{\@echo off\n}); List_for_each( sub { my $fi = shift; local $_ = $fi->name; s#\/#\\#g; Gui_mw()->clipboardAppend( qq{copy /y "}.$_->name.qq{" "$dd"\n} ); }); Gui_mw()->clipboardAppend(qq{\@echo on\n}); } sub Edit_current_toggle_selection # for the current: toggle its selection state { List_current_item()->toggle_selection_state(); View_next(); } # if the list storage mode is "use directory of symlinks", then the "Save" # operation should udpate the directory with the current contents of the list. # it can use the remove_symlink() function. sub Edit_remove_current { List_remove_current_item(); clear_showimage_timer(); show_image(); } sub Edit_remove_selected { run_custom_filter('grep','! $_.selected'); List_clear_selection(); } sub Edit_remove_unselected { run_custom_filter('grep','$_.selected'); List_clear_selection(); } sub _twiddle_view_pointer { my $cr = shift; # a sub which sets the List's current index. if ( List_count() ) { if ( List_current_item() ) { # the normal situation $cr->(); } else { # unusual: there are items in the list, but $ii==-1 List_set_index_0(); } } else { List_set_no_current_item(); # should be already, but just to make sure. } clear_showimage_timer(); show_image(); } sub View_first { _twiddle_view_pointer( \&List_set_index_0 ); Gui_mw() or return; Gui_mw()->focus; } sub View_prev { _twiddle_view_pointer( \&List_advance_index ); } sub View_next { _twiddle_view_pointer( \&List_retreat_index ); } sub View_zoom_in { List_current_item()->scalefactor() or return; # can only be positive (or rather, non-negative) List_current_item()->set_scalefactor( List_current_item()->scalefactor() - 1 ); clear_showimage_timer(); show_image(); } sub View_zoom_out { List_current_item()->set_scalefactor( List_current_item()->scalefactor() + 1 ); clear_showimage_timer(); show_image(); } sub View_no_item { clear_image(); clear_window_title(); List_set_no_current_item(); } sub View_start_slideshow { List_current_item() or return; start_autoadvancing(); } sub View_stop_slideshow { List_current_item() or return; stop_autoadvancing(); } sub ImageFile_edit_current { List_current_item()->external_edit() } sub ImageFile_rename_current { my $old_name = List_current_item()->property('FileName'); my $rename_dialog = Gui_mw()->DialogBox( -title => 'Rename Image File', -buttons => [qw( OK Cancel )] ); $rename_dialog->bind( '', sub { $rename_dialog->Subwidget('B_Cancel')->invoke } ); my $rename_entry = $rename_dialog->add('Frame')->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' ) ->Entry( -width => 80, -validate => 'all', -validatecommand => sub { local $_ = shift; # proposed new value /./ and not /[\\\/:?*"<>|]/; }, )->pack; $rename_entry->insert('end',$old_name); my $b = $rename_dialog->Show; my $new_name = $rename_entry->get; $rename_dialog->destroy; undef $rename_dialog; $b eq 'OK' or return; lc($old_name) eq lc($new_name) and $on_Windows and return alert("Sorry, mere case changes are not allowed!"); rename $old_name, $new_name or return alert(<property('filename'); $long_name =~ s/\Q$old_name\E/$new_name/; List_current_item()->set_properties({ FileName => $new_name, filename => $long_name, }); set_showimage_timer(); # since title has changed } sub ImageFile_delete_current { warn "Going to delete current imagefile!"; unlink( List_current_item()->name ) or return alert("Failed to remove current file!\n".List_current_item()->name."\n$!"); Edit_remove_current(); } sub ImageFile_current_createsymlink { # just do current image, and advance undef $@; eval { my $msg = List_current_item()->create_symlink(); warn qq(Created symlink "$msg"\n); #View_next(); }; $@ and warn $@; } sub ImageFile_all_createsymlinks { print "Creating ".List_count()." symlinks.\n"; List_for_each( sub { my $f = shift; undef $@; eval { my $msg = $f->create_symlink(); warn qq(Created symlink "$msg"\n); }; $@ and warn $@; }); print "Done.\n"; } # also need a "copy selected to..." sub ImageFile_copy_all_to_destdir { defined $::dest_dir && -d $::dest_dir or return alert("No valid dest dir defined!"); List_for_each( sub { my $fi = shift; local $_ = $fi->name; s#\/#\\#g; # XXX system specific print( qq{copy /y "$_" "$::dest_dir" \n} ); system( qq{copy /y "$_" "$::dest_dir" \n} ); }); } sub ImageFile_view_info { List_current_item()->show_info(); } } # end of subs ### MAIN PROGRAM! initialize_data_structures(); Gui_initialize(); MainLoop; # for more information, visit this project's home page at: # http://www.perlmonks.com/?node_id=600092 =pod TO DO Enable assigning tags (i.e. keywords) to an image. Enable filtering by tags. Enable assigning a free-text comment to an image. Enable displaying (overlaying) the comment text on the image. Improve platform independence. Get a Better Glob. Strategize slideshow storage management. Add strategy for storing a slideshow as a directory of symlinks. Lots of existing code to salvage. Allow overriding/canceling commands entered on the commandline. (Obviously, commands which execute immediately aren't eligible.) Enable setting various config params via commandline switches AND via dialogs. (e.g. the auto-advance dwell time). Implement Undo. Implement an 'ex'-like command interface. Implement a 'vi'-like command interface. Support a s/// style of file renaming. Can re-invoke a stored filename renaming transformation on subsequent files. Apply a renaming transformation on all of the selection. Allow selecting (adding to selection) based on a filter. Add more Selection-aware variants of commands. Add transition effects. (Idea credit to [bart].) =cut __END__ :endofperl