use My::Wrapper qw( wrap ); wrap( \&hello_world ); sub hello_world { my %params = %{shift()}; my $T_ref = $params{T}; $T_ref->{msg} = "Hello World"; return; } #### use My::Wrapper qw( wrap ); wrap( \&foo_bar ); sub foo_bar { my %params = %{shift()}; my $T_ref = $params{T}; $T_ref->{msg} = "Foo Bar"; return; } #### package My::Wrapper; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; @EXPORT_OK = qw( wrap ); use DBI; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser); use HTML::Template; use HTML::Entities; use lib 'code'; use config; ## Security $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads! $CGI::POST_MAX = 512*1024; # max 512k post sub wrap { my ( $code_ref ) = @_; my $template = templates::loadTemplate('template'); my %T; my $innerTemplate; my $q = new CGI; my $c; $code_ref->({ q => $q, T => \%T, # etc. }); ## Filling in the template here if($innerTemplate) { # load the template in, put it into %T. my $template = templates::loadTemplate('$innerTemplate'); $template->param($T{innerContent}) if $T{innerContent}; $T{content} = $template->output(); } print $q->header(); $template->param(%T); print $template->output(); }