# Add the next 2 lines to bash_profile/bashrc file: # # eval `ssh-agent` > /dev/null # alias cvs='/path/to/cvs_wrapper.pl' # #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Expect; #$Expect::Exp_Internal = 1; #$Expect::Debug = 3; my $testcommand = Expect->spawn("ssh-add -l"); $testcommand->log_stdout(0); if ($testcommand->expect(1, '-re' => 'agent has')) { $testcommand->soft_close(); print "CVS Wrapper\n===========\n\n"; GET_PASSWD: { use Term::ReadKey; ReadMode 2; print "Enter cvs passwd:"; my $passwd = ; chomp $passwd; ReadMode 0; unless (length $passwd > 4) { print "\nBad password\n"; redo GET_PASSWD; } my $user = $ENV{'USER'}; my $home = $ENV{'HOME'}; my $remoteserv = 'server.name.here'; my $login = "$user" . '@' . "$remoteserv"; unless (-e "$home/.ssh/id_dsa.pub") { # Set up private keys my $command = Expect->spawn("ssh-keygen -t dsa"); $command->log_stdout(0); if ($command->expect(2, '-re' => 'Enter')) { print $command "\r"; } if ($command->expect(2, '-re' => 'passphrase')) { print $command "$passwd\r"; } if ($command->expect(2, '-re' => 'same')) { print $command "$passwd\r"; } $command->soft_close(); my $copy_command = Expect->spawn("scp ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub $remoteserv:.ssh/authorized_keys2"); $copy_command->log_stdout(0); if ($copy_command->expect(2, "password")) { print $copy_command "$passwd\r"; } if ($copy_command->expect(3, '-re' => 'denied')) { $copy_command->hard_close(); print "\nBad password\n"; unlink "$home/.ssh/id_dsa.pub", "$home/.ssh/id_dsa"; redo GET_PASSWD; } $copy_command->soft_close(); } my $ssha_command = Expect->spawn("ssh-add"); $ssha_command->log_stdout(0); if ($ssha_command->expect(2, "passphrase")) { print $ssha_command "$passwd\r"; } if ($ssha_command->expect(1,'-re' =>'Bad')) { $ssha_command->hard_close(); print "\nBad password\n"; redo GET_PASSWD; } $ssha_command->soft_close(); print "\nLogin successful\n"; } #end GET_PASSWD } else { $testcommand->soft_close(); } open DATA, "/usr/bin/cvs @ARGV |" or die "Couldn't execute program: $!"; while ( defined( my $line = ) ) { chomp($line); print "$line\n"; } close DATA;