jowe has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi PerlMonks,
the following code snippet demonstates my problem:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::waitVariableX; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); my $unchanged_var = ' '; while () { my $numtime = time (); my ($curr_sec, $curr_min, $curr_hour, $curr_mday, $curr_month, $cu +rr_year, $curr_wday, $curr_yday, $curr_isdst) = localtime ($numtime); + my $lab1 = $mw->Label (-text => 'time returned: ' . $curr_hour . ' +:' . $curr_min . ':' . $curr_sec) ->form(-left => '%5', -top => '%10'); $lab1->update; $mw->waitVariableX (5 * 1000, \$unchanged_var); # sleep 5 secon +ds } MainLoop;

The package (Tk::waitVariableX from cpan) installs ok but it seems like something is not set during the install process.
My environment: Windows 7, ActivePerl MSWin32, Tk: 804.030, Tk::waitVariableX: 1.0
The same behavior under Linux.
Could you please let me know what I am doing wrong.
Thanks for your help - jowe