I was going to add a list of books to my offsite homepage for the benefit of my friends who never have a good book to read. As these people don't consider "Linux Unleashed" to be a fast, fun read (Don't ask me. I don't understand it, either....), they want to be supplied with a list of books that I have enjoyed. 99.999% of the books that I supply them are non-technical. Then I thought, "What if I can generate some revenue for Perlmonks through my links?"
But, Fatbrain sells only technical books, right?
Nope. Uh-uh. They sell all kinds of books. Stop arguing. I could hardly believe it myself. There are books out there without unleashed or bible in the title that are worth reading. Uncover your ears. No, it's not herasy. Put me down!
If you untie me from this stake, and put down the torch, I can tell you more.
I get no traffic really, but I thought that if there was a possibility that I could help out by just putting a link, why not? If you get tons of traffic because you have a stupendous booklist that everyone likes to look at (technical and non-technical alike), why not link it up, and help out, too?
You do it like this:
The from=MDZ411 and the ISBN are the impostant parts. The ISBN can be looked up on Fatbrain, and the from=MDZ411 says "send it to the monastery, baby."
Easy, and every little bit helps...
Clark Tisdale and CDMax now link us.