in reply to Re^3: glob a folder of images, and open text doc, find the matches and move the images.
in thread glob a folder of images, and open text doc, find the matches and move the images.

This is the full code image using. i added print for yours to see what it was doing, since it doesn't seem to find a match.
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w use File::Find; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use File::Basename; use File::Slurp; use POSIX qw(strftime); my $date = strftime("%m-%d-%y",localtime); my $time = strftime("%I:%M:%S",localtime); my $findme = "/Volumes/photorepos/Perl/SLAperlDropback/"; my $file_loc = $findme. '2SLAday'; my $filenames_to_putback = '/Volumes/photorepos/Perl/SLAperlDropback/d +ropback.txt'; chdir($file_loc) or warn "$!"; @filesforeach = glob "*.*"; my $filecount = @filesforeach; print "$filecount\n"; chomp @filesforeach; foreach $file (@filesforeach){ print "$file\n"; open(my $fh, "<", "$filenames_to_putback") or warn "$!\n"; while (my $row = <$fh>) { chomp $row; print "$row\n"; my @line = $file; for (@line) { if ($_ =~ /$row/) { chomp $_; push @output, "found $_ that matched redo $file $row <br>"; move($_,$row) or warn "shit went wrong yo! $!\n"; } } } } print "@output\n";
i added an else statment to your code with a print out.
#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use File::Copy 'move'; my $findme = '/Volumes/photorepos/Perl/SLAperlDropback/'; chdir($findme.'2SLAday') or die "chdir: $!"; foreach my $file (glob "*.*") { open my $fh, '<', $findme.'dropback.txt' or die "open: $!"; while ( my $row = <$fh> ) { chomp $row; if ( $file =~ /$row/ ) { print "$file\n"; print "$row\n"; move( $file, $row ) or die "move: $!"; } else { print "$file has no match $!\n"; } } }
output had not match
010011510005801_0669_main.psd has no match 010011510005801_0964_main.psd has no match 010011520006618_0964_main.psd has no match 010011520006618_5030_main.psd has no match 010011520006812_0670_main.psd has no match 010011520006812_0990_main.psd has no match 010011520006816_3034_main.psd has no match 010011520007257_0126_main.psd has no match 010011520007259_5031_main.psd has no match 010013000007469_4036_alternate1.psd has no match 010013000007469_4036_main.psd has no match 010013000007471_0990_alternate1.psd has no match 010013000007471_0990_main.psd has no match 080080520009970_0155_main.psd has no match 080081510009702_0001_alternate1.psd has no match
i'm guessing that there is no movement because it won't find a match due to the paths are being interpreted as regex when it comes to the filenames in each row.