( this is a re-post of recent thoughts from the perl5-porters mailing list. Further interesting points articulated in an adjacent thread. )

An incredibly unlikely combination of recent events have placed Perl (the language) at an exceedingly rare crossroads. Various "factions" have openly stated their worldviews, but war has not broken out just yet.

While there is a ton of nuance, the two main "philosophies" at odds are roughly:

The series of mega-threads all boil down to a profound misunderstanding within the p5p list itself of the magnitude of the clash-of-values between these sub-communities.

I strongly believe, that if a more honest conversation takes places not over the "how" but the "what", a massive amount of effort will be saved on all sides.


Everything else discussed so far is dressing to obscure the substance: "Perl" and "perl" are *both* about ready to file for divorce. This is an incredibly rare chance for an Unionsupplösningen or a Velvet Divorce. Please, do not squander it.
