in reply to Re^2: DBI search for forward slash
in thread DBI search for forward slash

Anyway - LIKE is fail as well

Sorry, but that is not an adequate problem description. Please see How do I post a question effectively? and I know what I mean. Why don't you?, and provide a Short, Self-Contained, Correct Example, like the following. Note how it is exactly the code you posted, except that it works fine for me.

use warnings; use strict; use feature 'say'; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:database=testing;host=", $ENV{USER}, 'barfoo', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 }); $dbh->do('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS texts'); $dbh->do(<<'ENDSQL'); CREATE TABLE texts ( string VARCHAR(256) ); ENDSQL $dbh->do('INSERT INTO texts (string) VALUES ("/a/b/c");'); # --- my $string = '/a/b/c'; my $req = qq{ SELECT * FROM `texts` WHERE `string`=?}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($req); my $row = $sth->execute($string); say "row = $row"; # --- my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( q{ SELECT * FROM texts WHERE string LIKE '%/a/b/c%' }); $sth2->execute; say "row = $row";

This prints row = 1 twice, as expected.

This is how I spun up a fresh test MySQL instance. To change the server's port number, change the -p3306:3306 to something like -p13306:3306 in the docker command, add the argument --port=13306 to the mysql command, and add the argument ;port=13306 to the DBI connection string in the Perl code.

$ docker run --rm --name testmysql -p3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=foobar -d mysql:5
# wait a few seconds for it to start
$ echo "CREATE USER '$USER' IDENTIFIED BY 'barfoo'; CREATE DATABASE testing; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON testing.* TO '$USER';" | mysql --protocol=TCP --user=root --password=foobar
# after testing:
$ docker stop testmysql

Several smaller edits to add more information.