in reply to [EMACS] "Emacs as Perl IDE" - Abstract for YAPC::EU 2016

Just a few remarks:


Never used it inside emacs, (and hardly outside it), how well integrated is it with emacs? Do you have the ability to jump from a debug line to the source file?


I prefer flycheck to flymake, but in either case, I have major issues with these, since my setup (everything is in local::lib), gives me "module not found" errors. I've tested several solutions, but haven't found one that 100% works.


Not my style of programming, but a good recommendation for those who use it

Auto Complete

Excellent package, very robust. I know some also like company-mode, which can be used to force a code-style across the company (hence the name), which is a good counter argument to those that claim perl is unsuitable for large companies/projects.

ECB = Emacs Code Browser

Is this really beneficiary for perl programming? There is also the perl-critic library (available from the Perl-Critic page. A search for emacs yields a ton of results. As for the vision, I just don't thing perl needs an IDE. These, and other, tools definitely help. Utilising Org-Mode and Babel for project management, documentation etc. is a very strong tool (Org-mode is emacs killer app), but generally a full-blown IDE is just overkill for a language like perl.

Principle of Least Astonishment: Any language that doesn’t occasionally surprise the novice will pay for it by continually surprising the expert