talexb has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I've been part of this community for a while, and it's always fun to check out Selected Best Nodes for pearls (heh) of wisdom. Today I found Being pretentious, and getting away with it., which talked about the behaviour of split with a particular regex.

I started writing a module to beautify code recently, and ended up using a capture in a split statement -- which isn't something I do regularly. Here's the interesting part about this subject (finally) .. the example in the node talked about the following behaviour:

Cool, I thought, and ran off to test it in the debugger.
DB<2> @foo = split /(A)|B/, "1A2B3" DB<3> x @foo 0 1 1 'A' 2 2 3 undef 4 3 DB<4>

The behaviour has gone back to the previous one. I believe it's because split is splitting on the un-captured 'B', and since it's not captured, undef is the correct result, rather than a null string (with apologies to japhy.


Alex / talexb / Toronto

Thanks PJ. We owe you so much. Groklaw -- RIP -- 2003 to 2013.

EDIT: Updated title to add '/ using a capture during split' to the title, as per feedback.