As all of us are aware, Perl6 is coming. While it is still a year or two away (to my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong) I think it brings some issues to our Monastery. Perl6 is not just about a new version of Perl. It is also about Parrot. Parrot is a Virtual Machine for Perl6 but will also allow other languages to be used (languages like Ruby or Python -- there are already some new languages emerging written specifically for Parrot).

My question would be about the policy regarding all these new exciting things. Will be a strictly Perl6 focused community only discussing Parrot issues strictly related to Perl6 and considering, let's say, questions about integrating Ruby with Parrot, offtopic? What about the Code section? Will Parrot assembly code belong there or will it be considered offtopic? Indeed, I already have some Parrot assembly code that I would like to post, but is that appropriate?

My opinion on this whole issue is that things relating to Parrot should be OK, but I think it will be very difficult to draw the line where "strictly Parrot" ends and offtopic begins. What are your thoughts on the subject?