xjar's user image
User since: Jul 08, 2000 at 01:36 UTC (24 years ago)
Last here: Dec 05, 2022 at 17:59 UTC (1 year ago)
Experience: 628
Level:Pilgrim (8)
Writeups: 16
User's localtime: Apr 23, 2024 at 01:19 -06
Scratchpad: None.
For this user:Search nodes

-----BEGIN PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 0.01 P++>++++c-P6 R >+++M >++O->++MA+>++E PU->+BD >++C+D >+S++>+++X+>++WP+>+++MO >++PP n CO--> PO-> o+>++G A OL!Ee---Ev+>++Eon!Eot!Eob!Eoa!uL++>+++u B!uS!uH!uo!w->!m! ------END PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Go here to decode it

----BEGIN MODCODE BLOCK----- Version: 0.03 MASC pSFBG3 t E! a- D? d- b: P+ T-- s-- S- I- e c+: R- r y+++ o+ ------END MODCODE BLOCK------
Go here to decode it (copy/paste modcode)

-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS d--- s: a- C++++ UL++++ P++++ L++ E--- W++ N++ o K- w--- O- M- V PS+ PE Y++ PGP t- 5- X++ R tv+ b++ DI++ D++ G e* h+ r++ y- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
Go here to decode it