in reply to Perlmonks Visibility
Actually, I gotta say that 14th out of 12.3 million ain't bad. :) We could probably claw up a few places with a linking campaign but why bother? I think we should be more worried about some of the crud that pops up when you put in "learning perl" or "beginning perl".
There is some really bad advice in the top 50 for each of those. Google needs -- and ++ buttons...
P.S. Why are people downvoting this guy's post? It was a good, honest question. This site rules, people should know about it. Can't fault the guy for believing that...
$you = new YOU;
honk() if $you->love(perl)
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Re: Re: Perlmonks Visibility
by artist (Parson) on Feb 18, 2003 at 22:01 UTC |
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Perl Monks Discussion