Thanks to Adam and his Crossword Table Maker for making this HTML. I will post the answers to this puzzle in a couple of days.
This is a 'loose' crossword puzzle. A 'tight' crossword puzzle is where (almost) every letter is a part of two words. I have attempted to make a tight puzzle using only Perl words, and my head almost exploded. I hope you enjoy this one! (The answers are at Crossword Puzzle Answers .. No cheating ;)

# #4##5# #6      #####7####
# # ## # ##### ##8     ####
# # #9    10       #### ##11#
# # ###### ### ## ###12#13# #
14   15      ### #16     # # #
 ### ##### ### ## ### # # #
 ### #17 18   ## ##19        #
 ### ### # ###### ### # # #
 ### ### ####20     21### # #
 #22   ## ########## ### # #
 # # #23  ########## #24##25##
 # # ### #########26        
 # # #######27     # # ## ##
 #2829         ######## ## ##
 ## ######## #30#31#### ## ##
### ######## # # #### ## ##
##32   ###33         ########
############ # ############
######34      # ############


6	Parcel
8	Monty __
9	This Perl function can be given an IP address, and return the remote machine's name.
14	Dark ale drunk by Perl hackers, or those who carry our burden.
16	Perl's former name?
17	Electric __
19	Global
20	Having minimized scope.
22	Clod
23	Array to take on inheritence.
26	Return it as a list?
27	You do this when returning from a trip.
28	You used to need two Magnetic Poetry Kits to perform this transform.
32	There are no late charges in this large Perl "library".
33	Bring a referent to life.
34	Some OSs need this Perl function to read/write data in a non ASCII format.


1	This receives worth from one hand to the other.
2	Randal Schwartz popularized this acronym, many people include one in their 
4	File locking constants should be imported from this module.
5	1999 Module of the Year
7	As an array, it can be modified to add a directory path, as a hash it
	shows used modules.
8	When in search of a builtin's syntax, consult this.
10	Method
11	A subroutine with this name will help the lazy generate subroutines.
12	Our mascot?
13	Anonymous subroutine with a lasting reference to a lexical variable outside 
	its own scope.
14	The advocacy people. 
15	Bastard data type?
18	He could give us superpositioned haiku's, in constant time.
21	According to MJD, there are seven useful uses for this.
22	He is the enemy.
24	Rigid, or pragmatic helper.
25	Larry's boss.
27	This is supported in Perl 5.6, but some question the need.
29	A fish that croaks?
30	Tilt
31	Perl is NOT this.
