in reply to Randomize an array

I recommend the Fisher-Yates Shuffle. See my node on the topic.
# The Fisher-Yates Shuffle sub Shuffle { my $arrayref = shift; my $index = @$arrayref; while ( $index-- ) { my $newloc = int rand (1+$i); # next if $index == $newloc; # Not needed in Perl. @$arrayref[$index, $newloc] = @$arrayref[$newloc, $index]; } }
The line I commented out is part of the Fisher-Yates Shuffle, but its a waste of time in Perl, since the swap is done correctly. (If it were an XOR swap then you would want the next in there)

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Re^2: Randomize an array
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 01, 2008 at 20:56 UTC
    That code has an error and it doesn't actually randomize. Here's the correct version:
    # The Fisher-Yates Shuffle sub Shuffle { my $arrayref = shift; my $index = @$arrayref; while ( $index-- ) { my $newloc = int rand (1+$index); # next if $index == $newloc; # Not needed in Perl. @$arrayref[$index, $newloc] = @$arrayref[$newloc, $index]; } }