Category: Web Stuff
Author/Contact Info Alexander
Description: Update AWStats and keep a current database for the country reporting feature. Point cron to and set the directory variables to match your configuration.
    Three scripts:
  • Perl control script, and fetches gzipped country database updates
  • Shell script to gunzip the compressed update and replace the old database file.
  • Shell script to update AWStats.
AWStats requires Geo::IP or Geo::IP::PurePerl to use the country reporting feature. The modules in turn are dependant on a database file called GeoIP.dat which is updated about every month.

Both versions of Geo::IP assume users have the correct file permissions to /usr/local/share, and hard code the path /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat for the database directly into the module.

I do not have the needed file permissions on my server to the /usr/local/share area which created a problem.

I wrote my scripts with a correction to this problem in mind. Directory paths are in variables at the top of each script.

Rather than changing the large AWStats program, I opted for changing the directory paths within the module before installing it. If you have similar file permission problems, this may work for you also.

I have successfully run this on my server which uses FreeBSD 5.2.1, Apache 1.3.26, and Perl 5.8.2.

My directory structure used is:

NOTE (Nov. 7, 2004): I found a minor glitch I had not noticed in earlier. I have changed the code provided below to fix it.

Original line:
if (mirror("$db_website$db_gz_file", "$db_gz_file") != RC_NOT_MODIFIED) {

Corrected line:
if (mirror("$db_website$db_gz_file", "$script_dir/$db_gz_file") != RC_NOT_MODIFIED) {

When executing the script from outside the $script_dir, the mirrored file would instead be placed in the pwd from which the script was called. The corrected line now prevents this from happening.

Here are the scripts:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# perl error reporting switches
#    -c = check the code for syntax errors
#    -w = "use warnings" and tells the interpreter to produce useful d
#    -T = "taint mode" which adds security internal to Perl

use strict;


my $script_dir = "$ENV{'HOME'}/protected/cron/awstats";
my $db_website = "";
my $db_gz_file = "GeoIP.dat.gz";


my $logfile = "$script_dir/GeoIP.dat.gz.log";


my $sh_gz_file = "";
my $sh_awstats = "";

use LWP::Simple;

if (mirror("$db_website$db_gz_file", "$script_dir/$db_gz_file") != RC_
    # DB has been updated. Log the time and date of the update.
    # Run the script to extract and replace the DB
+ file.
    chdir "$script_dir";
} else {
    # DB already current, just update awstats
    chdir "$script_dir";

sub Write_Log {
    use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock :seek :mode);                # import
+ keywords for
                                                            # flock, s
+eek, and
                                                            # chmod (w
+hile strict
                                                            # subs is 
+in use)
    my $time = gmtime();
    my $file;
    open($file, "+< $logfile")
        or die "Can't open file: $!";
    flock($file, LOCK_EX)
        or die "Can't establish file lock on file: $!";

    my $checkfile = <$file>;
    chomp $checkfile;
    die "I am missing the log file!!!!" unless $checkfile;
    print $file "$time GMT\n";

    close ($file);

exit 0;
# $HOME/protected/cron/awstats/ #
# Extract and replace the GeoIP.dat DB file.

# Set variables
DB_DIR=$HOME/protected/db    # Database directory
DB_GZ=GeoIP.dat.gz            # Gzipped DB file        # DB Perl update script

# Script, no edit below this point.

gunzip -f $DB_DIR/$DB_GZ    # -f (force overwrite)
perl $DB_PL

exit 0
# $HOME/protected/cron/awstats/ #
# Update AWStats.

# Set variables
AWSTATS_DIR=$HOME/www/path/to/awstats/                        # AWStat
+s directory
AWSTATS_CMD=" -config=www_yousite_com -update >/dev/null"   
+ # AWStats update command line

# Script, no edit below this point.


exit 0

I figure there are other monks who use AWStats and may find these scripts useful. I hope you will.
