in reply to Finding Neighbours of a String

I have used the Math::Combinatorics to work out the combinations and permutations needed. The aim is to work out all of the ways in which a string of a certain hamming distance could be created rather than create all the possible permutations of the string and test them.

use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Math::Combinatorics; my $str = "TTTCGG"; my @str = split //, $str; my $hammingDistance = 2; # Calculate the total number of ways of getting the bases my %bases; my @baseopts = split //, 'ACGT' x $hammingDistance; my $basecomb = Math::Combinatorics->new(count => $hammingDistance, dat +a => [@baseopts], ); while(my @combo = $basecomb->next_combination){ my $permu = Math::Combinatorics->new(data => [@combo], ); while(my @permu = $permu->next_permutation){ $bases{join '', @permu}++; } } # Make the list unique my @baseperms; push @baseperms, [split //, $_] foreach (keys %bases); my %results; my @n = (0 .. $#str); # Calculate all the permutations of position that could give a change # and work through the base combinations my $poscomb = Math::Combinatorics->new(count => $hammingDistance, data + => [@n], ); while(my @combo = $poscomb->next_combination){ foreach my $bases (@baseperms){ my @newstr = @str; @newstr[@combo] = @$bases; $results{ join('', @newstr) }++; } } print "$_ ", hd($_, $str), "\n" foreach (sort keys %results); sub hd { return ( $_[0] ^ $_[1] ) =~ tr/\001-\255//; }