in reply to Better Inside-Out Objects :)

Rather than focus on the inside-outness (which, as others have commented, is questionable) how about thinking about this as a "strict" mode for object accesses. Below is a modified version of the above code, optimized for catching attempts to break encapsulation. It croaks if an external caller tries to access hash values directly.
{ package Encapsulate; use Scalar::Util; use Carp; my $Secrets = {}; use overload '%{}' => sub { my $obj = shift; my $caller_pkg = caller; my $pkg = ref $obj; if ( !$pkg->isa( $caller_pkg ) && !$caller_pkg->isa( $pkg )) { croak "Illegal attemp to access $pkg " . "internals from $caller_pkg"; } my $id = Scalar::Util::refaddr( $obj ); return $Secrets->{ $id } ||= {}; }, fallback => 1; sub DESTROY { my $id = Scalar::Util::refaddr( shift ); delete $Secrets->{ $id }; } } { package Foo; use base qw( Encapsulate ); sub new { my $class = shift; return bless {}, $class; } sub foo { my $self = shift; $self->{ secret } = shift if @_; return $self->{ secret }; } } { package Bar; use base qw( Foo ); sub bar { my $self = shift; $self->{ secret } = shift if @_; return $self->{ secret }; } } { package Quux; use base qw( Encapsulate ); sub new { my $class = shift; return bless {}, $class; } sub foo { my $self = shift; $self->{ secret } = shift if @_; return $self->{ secret }; } } use Test::More tests => 7; my $o = Bar->new; isa_ok $o, 'Bar'; $o->foo( 42 ); is $o->foo, 42, "can set and get value of Foo's secret"; Bar->new->foo( 24 ); is $o->foo, 42, "different objects get different secrets"; Quux->new->foo( 24 ); is $o->foo, 42, "different classes get different secrets"; $o->bar( 99 ); is $o->bar, 99, "can set and get value of Bar's secret"; is $o->foo, 99, "secrets of subclasses are shared"; eval { $o->{secret}; }; ok $@, 'cannot reach into objects';