Perlmonks is a great site. i have learned a lot here. Recently i have been having a problem however, and i would like to ask other monks experiences on question quality.
When i first joined perlmonks i didn't know how to use strict; and had all kinds of problems with my code looking a lot like C++ (no offense to C++). It behooves me to think i've learned a lot since that time. Things such as searching for answers in the docs, writing and testing code, and even looking away for an hour so i can get back to thinking about a problem have all been very helpful tools that i learned here at the monestary. It seems, though, that now that i have more knowledge of perl i'm having problems phrasing the questions i have in any intelligable fashion. This means to me that i have little grasp on what i'm trying to ask, yet i know that i have a question. After finally passing a hump where i can answer most of my own questions this is quite frustrating...
So, after that discourse, i would like to know if any other monks have had this problem. Did other monks reach a plateau where they could answer most of their own questions and had difficulty asqing* new ones? If so, what did you do? What did you try? Is there anyway i can try to think about the question that will ellucidate a proper intelligable question to be asked?
i realize this is an abstract, vague thing, but any opinions would be greatly appreciated (if you can understand what i'm asking)...
nuf evah,
*asq = another stupid question