I was looking for a solution in the Q&A section that would remove the elements in @B from @A, returning @C. I happened upon the exact question as mine, however one of the answers supplied (dragonchild's) was the opposite of what was wanted and I think whoever is in charge of this should substitute it with the following:

#!perl! -w use strict; use Data::Dumper; my @A = ( '', '', '' ); my @B = ( '', '' ); # The task: make a @C such that @C = ( '' ) # dragonchild's solution: my @C = map { my $x = $_; grep { $x =~ /\Q$_/i } @B } @A; # produces ( '', '' ) # proper solution: my @D = grep { my $x = $_; my @matches = grep { $x =~ /\Q$_/i } @B; ! @matches } @A; print Dumper [ \@A, \@B, \@C, \@D ];

Thanks otherwise to dragonchild who has provided many a useful solution to monks like me learning Perl, I'm sure this was just a hasty mental oversight.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Correction to arrays Q&A answer
by jdporter (Paladin) on Sep 19, 2008 at 20:41 UTC