in reply to Regex To Remove File Extension

I have been using this regular expression to parse *nix paths as part of a module.

my $rxParsePath = qr {(?x) # Use extended regular expression syntax to # allow comments and white space ^ # Anchor pattern to beginning of string (?=.) # Zero-width look ahead assertion to ensure # that there must be at least one character # for the match to succeed (.*/)? # A memory grouping (1st) for path, greedy # match of any characters up to and including # the rightmost slash (the path part) with a # quantifier of '?' (0 or 1), i.e. there # may or may not be a directory part ( # Open memory grouping (2nd) for file name (.*?) # A memory grouping (3rd) for file name stub # of a non-greedy match of any character # without a quantifier since, if there is a # file name part, at least some of it will # form a stub otherwise it would be a dot-file ( # A memory grouping (4th) for file name # extension (?<=[^/]) # zero width look behind assertion such # that following pattern will only succeed # if preceded by any caracter other than # a slash '/' \.[^.]+ # a literal dot '.' followed by one or more # non-dots )? # Close memory grouping (4th) with a quantifier # of '?' (0 or 1), i.e. there may or may not # be a file name extension part )? # Close memory grouping (2nd) with a quantifier # of '?' (0 or 1), i.e. there may or may not # be a file name part $ # Anchor pattern to end of string };

Here is a short script using it, without extended syntax for brevity, to pull out the elements of a *nix path.

use strict; use warnings; my $rxParsePath = qr{^(?=.)(.*/)?((.*?)((?<=[^/])\.[^.]+)?)?$}; print <<EOT; Path Directory File Name File Stub Extension EOT print map { sprintf qq{%20s%15s%15s%10s%10s\n}, @$_ } map { [ $_, map { defined $_ ? $_ : q{} } m{$rxParsePath} ] } qw { /etc/motd /var/adm/messages.1 .alias a.html /bin };

The results

Path Directory File Name File Stub Extension /etc/motd /etc/ motd motd /var/adm/messages.1 /var/adm/ messages.1 messages .1 .alias .alias .alias a.html a.html a .html .txt /bin / bin bin

I hope this will be useful.



Update: Corrected superfluous text from C&P error.