yaconsult has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I thought I could eliminate the page breaks in a form by setting $= to a large number, like 200. The form will be viewed using a browser and can be scrolled so I don't want or need page breaks and multiple copies of the header. How do I get rid of them?

Maybe the problem is where in the code I have to set $=. Do I have to set it again after every write?

Let me add the following repsonse to a subpost to the root post to make it clearer. I apologize for muddying the waters by using the word "form" in my original post. I have updated the post title to more accurately reflect the question.

The output is NOT a web page. It is a simple text file. It gets emailed to people via a script.

Coincidentally, there is a web page somewhere that, when a link is clicked on it, displays the contents of this simple text file with columns of data in the browser.

The only problem is that the text gets broken into "pages" when there are many lines and I don't want it to.

2009-03-15 04 143 oconnorn
^L Date Hour Requests UID
2009-03-15 04 121 rdreyer

That is what happens every so many lines - a ^L and a reprinting of the header. I just want those breaks and header repeats to disappear.