SSCCE for marto

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; my $filtered = { FOO => 1, BAR => 1, FOOL => 1 }; my $string = 'FOO'; for (grep /\b\Q$string\E\b/, keys %$filtered) { say $_; }

Go back and reply to Plack and mod_fcgid when you manage to get it working.

Problems with Mojolicious

Torches the environment

AKA: Where has all my carefully crafted config gone?

Cannot run in taint mode


Breaks MVC

Default template engine is embperl style

Discourages TIMTOWTDI

Other template systems require a plugin (fair enough) but still must follow the same filename extension format. That seems unnecessarily prescriptive.

There are no examples anywhere of it working with mod_fcgid.