in reply to Newbie question under time constraint

Hi, welcome to Perl, the One True Religion.

Couple of etiquette notes: Asking for people to help you urgently because you are under a deadline usually has the opposite effect. Offering to pay for code here will usually get you sent to But, effort is encouraged and you've shown plenty, good job getting as far as you have.

Couple of general programming / asking for technical help notes:

Regarding your program my advice is to use one of the many object frameworks Perl already has. Not only because the features that a good framework has that you are replicating by hand, are stable, tested, efficient, but also because a good OOP framework will allow you to expand your app into new levels of complexity as it grows while hiding the majority of the dirty work. Personally I never write anything OOP without Moo.

Here's something like what you described. (Note only one file.)

$ cat
package Employee { use Moo; # loads strict and warnings and provides new() has name => (is => 'ro'); has [qw/wage hours/] => (is => 'rw'); }; package Employees { use Employee; use Moo; use namespace::clean; has _db => ( # code can be swapped later when there is a real DB is => 'rwp', default => sub { +{} }, ); sub add { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; # argument validation needed here $self->_db->{ $args->{name} } = $args; } sub find { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; # argument validation needed here my $record = $self->_db->{ $name } or die "$name not found"; return Employee->new( name => $name, wage => $record->{wage}, hours => $record->{hours}, ); } sub avg_hourly_wage { my $self = shift; my ($total_hours, $total_wages); for my $name (keys %{ $self->_db }) { $total_hours += $self->_db->{ $name }{hours}; $total_wages += $self->_db->{ $name }{wage} * $self->_db-> +{ $name }{hours}; } return sprintf('%d.2', $total_wages / $total_hours); } sub pay_change_for { my $self = shift; my $employee = shift; my $new_wage = shift; $employee->wage($new_wage); $self->_db->{ $employee->name }->{wage} = $new_wage; } }; #------------------------------------# use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Employee; use Employees; my $employees = Employees->new; for my $line (<DATA>) { chomp $line; my ($name, $wage, $hours) = split /,/, $line; $employees->add({ name => $name, wage => $wage, hours => $hours, }); } say 'Query for an employee: '; chomp( my $name = <STDIN> ); my $employee = $employees->find($name); say sprintf('%s earns %s for %s hours', map { $employee->$_ } qw/name +wage hours/); say 'The average hourly wage overall is ' . $employees->avg_hourly_wag +e; say "Give $name a raise? Enter new wage or 'No'"; chomp( my $answer = <STDIN> ); if ($answer =~ /^\d+$/) { $employees->pay_change_for($employee, $answer); } else { say 'No change'; } say 'The average hourly wage overall is now ' . $employees->avg_hourly +_wage; __DATA__ Fred Flinstone,10,40 Barney Rubble,8,40 Dino Flintstone,15,40 Bam-Bam Rubble,5,12 Mr. Slate,65,32


$ perl
Query for an employee: Barney Rubble Barney Rubble earns 8 for 40 hours The average hourly wage overall is 21.2 Give Barney Rubble a raise? Enter new wage or 'No' 20 The average hourly wage overall is now 24.2

Hope this helps!

Update: added some more methods for fun

The way forward always starts with a minimal test.