in reply to How do I print an array with commas separating each element?

For completeness, here's a verbose solution:

my $x; my @a = qw(one two three); print "$a[$_-1], " while $x++ < $#a; print "$a[$#a]";

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Re: Answer: How do I print an array with commas seperating each element?
by extremely (Priest) on Feb 14, 2003 at 18:26 UTC

    Grr., I'd forgotten you can't reply to answers and have it be visible on the answer screen... Plus, this is only a mild (much shorter, tho) variation of another answer. *sigh* We're doing ridiculous ways now? Then why not do this?

    my $x; my @a = qw(one two three); print $_, ++$x<@a ? ", " : "\n" foreach @a;

    For bonus fun, you can crush all syntactical whitespace out of that print line, too.

    Still, I'm thinking I'll stick with the built-in join() for future projects...

    $you = new YOU;
    honk() if $you->love(perl)