in reply to Parsing a log file

And for curiosity's sake, here is the final script:
#!perl use strict; my $DATE= do { my($y,$m,$d)= (localtime(time-60*60*(12+(localtime)[2]) + ))[5,4,3]; sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900+$y, 1+$m, $d; }; open INPUT,"<","SyslogCatchAll.txt"||die "Can not open input file: $!\ +n"; open CSV,">","$DATE.csv"||die "Can not open $DATE.csv: $!\n"; print CSV "Date,Time,WS 2000,FW Date,FW Time,Store,Src IP,Src Port,Dst + IP,Dst Port,Type,Agent,Message\n"; while(<INPUT>){ $_=~m/msg=(.*) Src/; my $msg = $1; my @line = split /\s+/; my $Date = $line[0]; next if ($Date ne $DATE); my $Time = $line[1]; my $ws2k = $line[3]; my $FWD = $line[5]; my $FWT = $line[6]; my $store = $line[8]; my $src_ip = $line[11]; my $dst_ip = $line[12]; my $src_prt = $line[$#line - 6]; my $dst_prt = $line[$#line - 4]; my $type = $line[$#line - 2]; my $agent = $line[$#line]; chomp $agent; $agent=~s/agent=//; $FWD=~s/time="//; $FWT=~s/"//; $src_ip=~s/src=//; $dst_ip=~s/dst=//; $msg=~s/,/ /; print CSV "$Date,$Time,$ws2k,$FWD,$FWT,$store,$src_ip,$src_prt,$dst_ +ip,$dst_prt,$type,$agent,$msg\n"; } close INPUT; close CSV;

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. -- George Orwell

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Re^2: Parsing a log file
by Nkuvu (Priest) on Nov 28, 2007 at 16:53 UTC

    I have to admit, I'm confused.

    Why ask for suggestions, then disregard them all and make the script exactly like you had in the opening post? Obviously if it's working for you then that's great, but I'm missing the point of asking for advice just to ask.

    And why make a new note for the final script rather than just updating the original node with something like "update: went with the script as is" ?