in reply to Re: Re: Maximum DBI query length?
in thread Maximum DBI query length?

As an aside (yes, I know the SQL is missing a FROM clause) that particular SQL statement is not really that long. Once you start programming a bit more, SQL statements 10x as long as that can become the norm. I highly recommend you start developing a better style to handle the SQL (for aesthetic, as well as other reasons). Try putting the SQL in a variable and then stick that variable into the prepare, like this:
my $CONTACT_SQL = " SELECT C.forename, C.surname, B.occupation, A.position,, AS forename, surname, occupation, position, city, cou +ntry FROM ACN A, BUSINESS B, CONTACTS C WHERE C.ruid=B.ruid AND C.ruid=A.ruid AND forename LIKE ? AND surname LIKE ? AND occupation LIKE ? AND position LIKE ? AND city LIKE ? AND country LIKE ?"; my $sthQuery = $dbh->prepare($CONTACT_SQL) or die "Couldn't prepare query: $DBI::errstr";