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Re: Any module for saving data as perl data?

by Ovid (Cardinal)
on Apr 29, 2016 at 10:17 UTC ( [id://1161867]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
    use Data::Dumper;
    my $a = 'hello';
    my @foo = qw(1 2 3);
    my %bar = (this => 'that', one => 'un');
    print Data::Dumper->Dump( [$a, \@foo, \%bar], [qw/$a *foo *bar/] );
  2. or download this
    use Data::Dumper::Names;
    my $a = 'hello';
    my @foo = qw(1 2 3);
    my %bar = (this => 'that', one => 'un');
    print Dumper( $a, \@foo, \%bar );
  3. or download this
    use Data::Dumper::Simple;
    my $a = 'hello';
    my @foo = qw(1 2 3);
    my %bar = (this => 'that', one => 'un');
    print Dumper( $a, @foo, %bar );

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