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This section is only for discussing issues pertaining to the PerlMonks web site itself. For example, asking about how things work, or offering ideas on how the site could be made better.

Unless the topic pertains to the PerlMonks web site itself, it does not belong in this section. If you're even the least bit unsure, check out Where should I post X? and The Perl Monks Guide to the Monastery, or ask in the chatterbox.

PerlMonks Discussions
URL No Longer Works
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by roho
on Oct 18, 2024 at 01:08
    I have used the URL for as long as I can remember. However, the last 2 or 3 days it brings up a maintenance message. Today, I tried and logged in as usual. Why the change, and why were no notices given? Is this URL change permanent, or will it revert to sometime in the future? Thanks for any info you can provide.

    "It's not how hard you work, it's how much you get done."

Currently only / works, the root URL / is broken
4 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by Corion
on Oct 17, 2024 at 03:54

    Just a short notice: The / URL is broken but / works.

    Likely, this is due to a redirect/Apache config rule going missing while setting up new SSL certificates.

Incorporating ChatGPT into PerlMonks
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by harangzsolt33
on Oct 13, 2024 at 17:30
    I have an idea! What if PerlMonks would build ChatGPT into the website so when someone posts something that has a question mark in it, the entire post would be fed into ChatGPT and its response would be posted as the first reply in the thread. This would ensure that people get an immediate response. Sometimes there isn't a lot of activity. Now, of course, if people feel that ChatGPT's automatic answer is incomplete or just flat out wrong, they could correct it or complete it with ideas. But I think, it would be a good idea to have ChatGPT's answer in each thread. What do you think?

    And just to make things clear, I think, the answer provided by ChatGPT should be copied verbatim and posted as text on PerlMonks, not just a link or a suggestion or whatever, because links cannot be trusted. We're talking about thousands of links. You can't guarantee that those links will stay alive in the future. So, any automatic answer by ChatGPT should be copied and saved on the site if you decide to implement this feature. And I think, it would be very helpful. This move would help bring into the 21st century.

Rules for crossposting in our FAQ
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by LanX
on Oct 09, 2024 at 12:15
    I wasn't able to find any in our help-pages.

    I find choroba's standard reply quite helpful...

      It's considered polite to inform about crossposting, so that people not attending both sites don't waste their efforts hacking a problem already solved at the other end of the internets.

    ...could we add this to our FAQ and make it linkable via "crosspost"?

    Preferably in Posting on PerlMonks

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
    see Wikisyntax for the Monastery

Workarounds for <abbr> tag on mobile browsers
2 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by LanX
on Sep 17, 2024 at 16:30

    Our <abbr> -tag doesn't work in mobile browsers, because there is no "mouse" to hover above.¹

    This page suggests a workaround by using fancy CSS code to dynamically enhance abbr-tags to show the message.

    I've tested it in my On-Site CSS Markup, but unfortunately I couldn't make it work.

    I'm too ignorant about CSS to tell if it ever worked or if I did it wrong.

    Interestingly did Corion recently suggest a new HTML way to reveal text on click, using <details><summary> :

    Click here to reveal spoiler Here is the hidden content

    It would be nice if someone tried to combine the two approaches in a way that clicking on an abbreviation revealed the title text. Such a pure CSS solution has many advantages.

    You can use your CSS markup settings for that.

    I'm too busy to experiment right now, but wanted at least leave a note for others or for a future me. :)

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
    see Wikisyntax for the Monastery

    1) Perl Monks Approved HTML tags

Bug: Reply notifications broken in Chatterbox
2 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by ikegami
on Sep 16, 2024 at 11:13

    Reply notifications are broken in the Chatterbox.

    screenshot blocked in Iran
1 direct reply — Read more / Contribute
by Smonff
on Sep 14, 2024 at 05:35

    I talked to a Perl interested person based in Tehran, Iran.

    Apparently, they cannot access, even by using a strong VPN / Proxy combination that usually is enough to void the state censorship. I cannot say for sure it's because it contains the "monk" word, but this would be my first guess...

    They can access it through, though (this is an IP I gave them based on the one my browser use from France). Shouldn't an alternate address be set for that case? Or maybe one already exists, that I could send to the person? I know I could do it myself by setting a "mirror" subdomain on one of my domain names, but maybe ops here might want to know about that. And also, I am not sure the IP is not going to change anytime soon, etc.

The recent outage
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by Co-Rion
on Sep 13, 2024 at 02:04

    Pair have investigated the recent outage and the site was hogged by Amazon AIbot by them keeping all connections to Apache open.

    The IPs have now been blocked on the firewall and I will be far more aggressive now by blocking IP addresses of anything hitting the site in an undue fashion.

Recent posting has wrong author
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by jmClifford
on Sep 08, 2024 at 01:54

    Hi. My recent posting titled "Passing argument by reference (for a scalar)" has an author Anonymous Monk which should be me, jmClifford. I am unsure of how this occurred ?? The responses are excellent. :-)

    Regards JC....

Chatterbot server upgrade
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by cavac
on Aug 31, 2024 at 09:29

    This weekend, i'm in the process of upgrading the server on which chatterbot runs to Ubuntu 24.04. Depending on how this goes, chatterbot might be unavailable for a few hours. This will also affect last hour of cb.

    The process generally involves upgrading the OS as well as multiple local Perl installations an their respective slew of CPAN modules. (Different services on my server run on different users, each having their own Perl installation).

    PerlMonks XP is useless? Not anymore: XPD - Do more with your PerlMonks XP
    Also check out my sisters artwork and my weekly webcomics
Chatterbot update
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by cavac
on Aug 23, 2024 at 05:13

    chatterbot now logs access times and errors whenever it accesses the Monastery anyway, see pm server stats. Useful to see if the monastery is having more technical issues than usual. (There might be a bug pertaining to actually logging the errors encountered, still working on it).

    Thanks to chatterbot, chat has now all the tools needed to resolve any intellectual conflict 😉:

    CommandWhat does it do
    !coin Flips a coin ("heads" or "tails")
    !d6 Rolls a standard six sided die for those complicated multiple choice questions.
    !d20 Rolls a 20 sided D&D die. Attack, defense, extra-complicated multiple choice forms, you name it.
    !8ball Simulated Magic 8 Ball. Can answer any yes/no question.

    Answers to this commands include a fake ID, so chatterbot can post the same answer multiple times consecutively. For example, when multiple coin tosses are requested in short order in a "best out of three" solution. Just ignore the ID.

    PerlMonks XP is useless? Not anymore: XPD - Do more with your PerlMonks XP
    Also check out my sisters artwork and my weekly webcomics
viewable page header
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by Danny
on Aug 17, 2024 at 00:26
    suggestion: Instead of a long list of links on the header of each page maybe just have a link to "page with cool stuff" that lists and has a bit of annotation about each of the links.
super slow
8 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by Danny
on Aug 16, 2024 at 06:11
    hate to bring this up gain ... this site is distressingly slow. you can't argue about that. besides my personal preferences people don't want to wait. something should be done.
Limit of 300 in "older entries"?
3 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by etj
on Aug 13, 2024 at 11:19
    In order to constructively use surplus votes, I've been going back through older Meditations. The "older entries" links stop at 300. Is there a good reason for that? I was keen to continue necro-reacting past 2019.
Toggle links for "Display of Node Reputation"
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by Danny
on Aug 07, 2024 at 18:27
    In the help page Display of Node Reputation, at the bottom it has links to check/uncheck "Show reputation spread" in User Settings, but these don't seem to work. It seems they could be replaced with something like /?node_id=1072;setnodetension=on and /?node_id=1072;setnodetension=off as these work.

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