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Levels of Monks

by SiteDocClan (Initiate)
on Nov 18, 2005 at 14:51 UTC ( [id://509805]=sitefaqlet: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Levels of Monks

Remember: It's all just a game. But if you play it right, it's a game of learning, and helping others. That makes it a game worth playing. Experience shows that the great majority in this community are in it for the right reasons.

LevelPrivileges1 Title XP ΔXP2 Votes
1 A Initiate     0
2 BV Novice 20 20 2
3 B Acolyte 50 30 4
4 B Sexton 90 40 6
5 BQI Beadle 150 60 8
6   Scribe 250 100 10
7   Monk 400 150 12
8   Pilgrim 600 200 14
9 MCK Friar 900 300 16
10   Hermit 1300 400 18
11   Chaplain 1800 500 20
12   Deacon 2400 600 22
13 S Curate 3000 600 24
14   Priest 4000 1000 26
15   Vicar 5400 1400 28
16   Parson 7000 1600 30
17   Prior 9000 2000 32
18   Monsignor 12000 3000 34
19   Abbot 16000 4000 36
20   Canon 22000 6000 38
21   Chancellor 30000 8000 40
22   Bishop 40000 10000 42
23   Archbishop 50000 10000 44
24   Cardinal 60000 10000 46
25   Sage 70000 10000 48
26   Saint 80000 10000 50
27   Apostle 90000 10000 52
28   Patriarch 100000 10000 54

If you're curious about how many monks there are at each level, have a gander at Number of Monks by Level. :-)

1 Privileges

Note: level indicated in the table above is the first (i.e. lowest) level at which the ability pertains, except where noted:

A -Chance of special Initiate_bonus XP for daily login. Eligible to aspire to sainthood.
B -Receives an XP bonus for using all available votes. Applies to levels shown only!
V -Receives a daily quota of votes to spend.
I -Can have a homenode image.
Q -Can ask Categorized Questions.
M -Can moderate.
C -Can consider nodes.
K -Eligible for groups in the Cabal, such as SiteDocClan and pmdev.
S -Gets listed on Saints in our Book.


This is the amount of additional XP you'll need in order to obtain each level, once having reached the previous level.

Also critically relevant is the Voting/Experience System.

See also: A Level Playing Field

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