Oh my! you'd die() for a perl nun? well isn't this my lucky day?
Perhaps they are rolling their eyes in disgust and are
too busy downvoting this inane post.
There have been, not just one, but two polls on this.
Not to mention endless /.
wrangling on where are the yummy haX0r ch1X0r5.
e-mail neshura | [reply] |
Monks can be of either gender. Some users on this site
have a "male" or nuetral name, but are female. (and
maybe vice-versa). Does it really matter what gender
someone on this site is?
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Not to mention people like $code or die or jptxs ... I
mean, what kinna gender is that?
I definitely consider myself a perlmonk. Ok, ok, perl
scribe. Maybe someday I can be the PerlPope. Doubt it,
but gotta keep aiming high.
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