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by bikeNomad (Priest)
on May 24, 2001 at 21:29 UTC ( [id://83012]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm more or less an ex-Perl user now. I lead the open source Squeak project, and typically use Ruby where I used to use Perl.

I would like to find a new maintainer for Archive::Zip because I really don't have the time or memory for Perl to do a good job on it.

I'm the author and maintainer of Archive::Zip and I wrote but no longer maintain the new version of Algorithm::Diff.

Toby Everett and I wrote Class::Prototyped, which is an interesting Grand Unified Theory for Perl, merging protototype-based (Self-like) and class-based programming with such wonders as auto-delegation and a nice reflection system that makes it easy to do things like manipulate the inheritance structure, override subroutines privately, etc.

My Perl web page is

Probably my only other connection to the Perl community is that merlyn got me to sing karaoke one night at the Viking Lounge...

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