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by demerphq (Chancellor)
on Aug 28, 2001 at 18:16 UTC ( [id://108447]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

<style type="text/css"> @import url(""); @import url(""); </style>

nmake1.5 from MS

Perl Periodic Table of Operators
A Coder's Guide To Coffee(thanks tmoertel)
List of Programmer Fonts and the ones i like:Proggy Fonts

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And for styling the site: PerlMonks CSS Examples, (I use a modfied form of Aristotles CSS)

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  • The Mad Hatter:
    hey, couple physics/electrical questions: 1) is it possible to convert a laser beam into DC energy 2) if so, how, and how much energy can you get?
    I don't know about converting a laser beam to DC energy, but if you give demerphq a pencil, a paperclip, a rubber band, and some angel fruit cake he can convert it into single malt scotch.
    jwest how? by picking the lock with the paper clip, sticking the pencil in the clerk's eye using the ruber band to fling the angel food cake across the room to the guard dog and finally grabbing a bottle of his fav from the shelf and running out of the liqour store? =)

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