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by mikeraz (Friar)
on Feb 15, 2002 at 01:18 UTC ( [id://145600]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Image refresh needed

How I came to be involved with these computer thingies...
Forwent a CS major in college because I saw no future in computing outside of being a faceless drone working for a large corporation, like a bank. Instead I pursued a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree which lead to support jobs as a faceless temp drone underemployed by large corporations. While working support jobs I was left alone in a room with a computer. Not content to follow the written out directions on how to use the PC I figured out enough about the beast that I became a de facto support desk after less than a month. Thus my fate slapped me upside the head and put me on my career track.

Currently working for a bank.

Memory refresher

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