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poll ideas quest 2020

by pollsters (Initiate)
on Jan 01, 2020 at 08:37 UTC ( [id://11110819]=quest: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Quest starts at:Jan 01, 2020 at 05:00 UTC
Quest ends at:Jan 01, 2021 at 04:59 UTC

This quest has ended

First, read How do I create a Poll?. Then suggest your poll here. Complete ideas are more likely to be used.

Note that links may be used in choices but not in the title.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: poll ideas quest 2020
by Lotus1 (Vicar) on Jan 28, 2020 at 21:43 UTC

    An oxymoron is a word or phrase that is a contradiction in terms. The word itself comes from the Greek words for sharp and dull or keen and stupid.

    The most amusing oxymoron is:

      Whatever happened to "Military Intelligence"?

      Optimising for fewest key strokes only makes sense transmitting to Pluto or beyond
      "Microsoft Works".

      Pretty ugly...

      Awfully good.

        "Awful" would classify as an oxymoron in and of itself since it literally means "full of awe" - which is exactly the opposite of its common meaning.

        And then we can juxtapose your "awfully good" against "awfully bad" - so bad, it inspires awe in its, er, awfulness.

        My head hurts now.

Re: poll ideas quest 2020
by harangzsolt33 (Deacon) on Jan 02, 2020 at 00:56 UTC
    I have noticed that almost everybody has an eye on some sort of numbers. Some people religiously follow sports, and they can tell you which team is playing against which team and when was the last time they played and who won and by how much. Some people watch the stock market with the same kind of zeal. Their eyes are glued to the numbers. Some people watch their weight, while some watch the election and poll numbers. Others watch the lottery numbers everyday to see if they win big. So, what numbers are you going to focus on primarily in 2020 ?

    * Lottery numbers
    * Football results
    * Olympics results
    * Stock quotes
    * Election results
    * My blood sugar numbers
    * My weight
    * other

      NaN! My days.

Re: poll ideas quest 2020 (excuses)
by davies (Monsignor) on Jan 01, 2020 at 16:28 UTC
Re: poll ideas quest 2020 (disagree to disagree)
by chacham (Prior) on Jan 07, 2020 at 23:22 UTC

    Disagree to disagree means to:

    • Agree
    • Keep arguing until you agree
    • Disagreeing just for the sake of disagreeing
    • Going to another level of disagreement
    • Not agreeing to disagree"
    • Be illogical

      I prefer to digress to disagree. (change the subject) By the way, these polls are a lot of fun. I always enjoy ...

      - confront the disagreeing party with a stark statement that "Your bullshit is bullshit", and "I'm holding you accountable on this fictional nonsense, and this is beyond 'beg-to-differ' simplicity.".

Re: poll ideas quest 2020 [Movie genres]
by Eily (Monsignor) on Feb 20, 2020 at 15:29 UTC

    If languages were movie genres, perl would be:

    • Fantasy, why is this even a question?
    • Historical. Because it's so old backward compatible
    • Horror. I mean, there's goto, map in void context, regexes to parse nested data ... *fear*
    • Zombies. You should be careful what you autovivify
    • Romance. Watch as the oddest of combinations actually work better than you'd expect.
    • Mystery. Trying to answer this age-old question: "Wait... how does this even work?"
    • Adult. Looking at you, perlsecret operators.
    • Drama. Here's what happens when you give people more rope to shoot themselves in the foot.
    • Comedy. But it only works in the right context.
    Obvious bonus question: what about other languages? :)

Re: poll ideas quest 2020 (web frameworks)
by hippo (Archbishop) on Jun 05, 2020 at 13:37 UTC

      Nice list :-) I might suggest including "non-frameworks" like and Plack (and maybe even "I roll my own CGI functions") because that might be an interesting comparison between the two approaches.

        • "I roll my own CGI functions"/"I too enjoy making horrific mistakes" :P

        I take your point but it seemed like that sort of question had already been asked. Is there much value to revisiting it? The landscape has changed a bit since no doubt but regurgitating old polls doesn't really smack of progress.

      Thanks :), though please bear in mind this would be displayed in the "Voting Booth" nodelet, so shorter lists work better.
Re: poll ideas quest 2020
by cavac (Parson) on Feb 21, 2020 at 13:09 UTC
      • One of a million Post-Its sticking on the monitor
      • Piece of paper taped to the backside of the keyboard


      Today I will gladly share my knowledge and experience, for there are no sweeter words than "I told you so". ;-)

        ... with exceptionally bad hand-writing. For example doctors' passwords would be the most securely stored judging from the hand-writing of their prescriptions.

        bw, bliako

Re: poll ideas quest 2020
by duelafn (Parson) on Jul 04, 2020 at 13:18 UTC

    Which rocket would you take to Mars?

    • 1st - Yeah Mars!
    • 10th - Someone else first (year 6, ~500 ppl)
    • 100th - Mars, the next generation (year 30, ~10k ppl)
    • 1000th - I want to see some stability (year 100, ~200k ppl)
    • 10000th - I want my White Castle (year 200, ~3M ppl)
    • Never - Someone's got to stay on Earth
    • N/A - I was born on Mars

    Feel free to remove year/population speculations if they feel too large for the nodelet)

    Good Day,

      • All of them, as I will be the pilot
      • 0th/st - I've already been to Mars and back several times (in my dreams) and it is not worth the trouble

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Re: poll ideas quest 2020 (STEM quotes)
by davies (Monsignor) on Oct 23, 2020 at 17:06 UTC
Re: poll ideas quest 2020 (web sites)
by davies (Monsignor) on Sep 06, 2020 at 11:45 UTC
    My favourite web site is:
    • PerlMonks, of course - how could you ask?
    • Other tech
    • Porn
    • Shopping
    • News
    • Sports
    • Games & puzzles
    • Social media
    • Arts & music
    • Job hunting
    • Whichever pays my bills


    John Davies

      Many posts on PerlMonks are like games and puzzles to me :)

      To me coding Perl is like art.

      Is scanning the news about the newest software, perl modules, OS updates "news", "social media", or "other tech"?

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

        I can guess what Seekers of Porn Wisdom would look like, but I'm not sure what you'd find on Cool Uses For Porn.

Re: poll ideas quest 2020
by karlgoethebier (Abbot) on May 29, 2020 at 19:18 UTC

    Do you really want to know if there is extraterrestrial life?

    Yes [] No []

    See here for a hint.

    «The Crux of the Biscuit is the Apostrophe»

    perl -MCrypt::CBC -E 'say Crypt::CBC->new(-key=>'kgb',-cipher=>"Blowfish")->decrypt_hex($ENV{KARL});'Help

OOP and the Perl core
by 1nickt (Canon) on May 22, 2020 at 21:19 UTC

    Context: Re^2: Cor—An object system for the Perl core

    # "new developers" not defined in $poll_inspiration my $new_developers = 'both rookie developers and "real developers" not using Perl'; our $goal = 'offer something compelling to ' . $new_developers; sub what_to_do { my $module = 'Best::OO::Implementation::Ever'; # Perl 5 module if( exists($reality{$module}) && meets_goal($goal, $module) ) { return $foo; } }

    What is the value of $foo if we call what_to_do()?

    • Add $module to the core Perl language in a future v5 release

    • Add $module to the core Perl distribution in a future v5 release

    • Add $module to the core Perl language in a future major version release

    • Add $module to the core language of a forked Perl distribution

    • Publish $module to CPAN and see what happens

    • Publish $module to CPAN and see what happens; meanwhile add one of the currently most-widely used OO packages to the core Perl distribution in a future v5 release, to get closer to $goal

    • Other (please describe below)

    The way forward always starts with a minimal test.
Re: poll ideas quest 2020
by karlgoethebier (Abbot) on Aug 07, 2020 at 10:22 UTC

    Do you miss BrowserUk?

    [] Yes [] No

    I do. Somehow. Further Inspiration + see also.

    «The Crux of the Biscuit is the Apostrophe»

    perl -MCrypt::CBC -E 'say Crypt::CBC->new(-key=>'kgb',-cipher=>"Blowfish")->decrypt_hex($ENV{KARL});'Help

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