laziness, impatience, and hubris | |
PerlMonks |
sauoqby sauoq (Abbot) |
on Jul 18, 2002 at 02:17 UTC ( [id://182681]=user: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
I was born. That's all I remember. | My scratchpad The True Catacombs of Perlmonks | What XML generators are currently available on PerlMonks? | Perlmonks Related Scripts | Friar | Writeup Formatting Tips | PerlMonks CSS Examples | Chatterbox Stats (external) The editors' hall of mirrors and trickery Little Nuggets of Good Advice:
Perl Annoyances (yeah, it has a few.)
Some Insteresting NodesThe wonderful series, Meditations on Programming Theory, by mstone: A selection of posts on XP and reputation: Killer Obfu: Miscellaneous interesting nodes I have yet to categorize:
Perl Weirdness! Info about PM related third-party websites. Some chuckles... Monks whose homenodes I find interesting for one reason or another:
Things of Mine
Useful StuffOne-linersHex viewer: perl -0777e'$i++,print $_.($i%20?" ":"\n")for unpack"(H2)*",<>;print"\n"' file Useless StuffFinally, some japhs I can call my own Another variation on the theme: And another. this one only works on *nix, I'm afraid. The windows version isn't as nice. (I much prefer the -i\| in the *nix version.):
Some OpinionsOn Node RetitlingThis summary is taken from a reply to Tanktalus somewhere under Consider this: What makes a good node title?: The best titles are not the ones you think are best. In fact, the whole concept of best in this instance is a local optimization and a function of the searcher. Retitling nodes in an effort to bring them closer to our preconceived notions of what makes an ideal title is necessarily introducing inefficiency. Good search coverage is, essentially, an emergent phenomenon. The assumption that we can help it along by retitling nodes is fallacious. A lot of • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• |