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marioroy's scratchpad

by marioroy (Prior)
on Nov 23, 2012 at 16:09 UTC ( [id://1005296]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

The following lives inside MCE-1.699_009 and used for queries by several methods in MCE::Shared::{ Array, Hash, Minidb, and Ordhash }.

my %rules = ( ## #/\# #//\\# #///////#///\\\#\\\\\\\# #///P///#///E///#/// \\\#\\\R\\\#\\\L\\\# #///////#//// //#//// //#/////\\\\\#\\ \\\\#\\ \\\\#\\\\\\\# #//// //#///////#///////#//////\\\\\\#\\\\\\\#\\\\\\\#\\ \\\\# '==' => sub { looks_like_number ($_[0]) && $_[0] == $_[1] }, '!=' => sub { looks_like_number ($_[0]) && $_[0] != $_[1] }, '<' => sub { looks_like_number ($_[0]) && $_[0] < $_[1] }, '<=' => sub { looks_like_number ($_[0]) && $_[0] <= $_[1] }, '>' => sub { looks_like_number ($_[0]) && $_[0] > $_[1] }, '>=' => sub { looks_like_number ($_[0]) && $_[0] >= $_[1] }, 'eq' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] eq $_[1] }, 'ne' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] ne $_[1] }, 'lt' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] lt $_[1] }, 'le' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] le $_[1] }, 'gt' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] gt $_[1] }, 'ge' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] ge $_[1] }, '=~' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] =~ $_[1] }, '!~' => sub { !ref ($_[0]) && $_[0] !~ $_[1] }, #### / Welcome; \ #### #### #### #### #### / \ #### #### #### #### ); # Perl Palace, MR 01/2016
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