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Re: Re: Re: Robust Anti-Swear script

by Cubes (Pilgrim)
on Jul 31, 2001 at 20:25 UTC ( [id://101210]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: Robust Anti-Swear script
in thread Robust Anti-Swear script

For me, at least, the issues I raised have less to do with morality than practicality (sorry to all you upvoters who thought I was making a grand anti-censorship speech :-) Parsing the English language is an extremely difficult task to automate, regardless of your motive or objective.

Unless you are using key words that are unlikely to be used in conversation unrelated to what you're trying to capture, you'll end up with bogus results unless you can also analyze and interpret context. Even humans don't do so well at that -- hence the use of "magic words" like "mayday" or "I am declaring an emergency" instead of "help" in situations where it really matters.

Trying to code this sort of understanding into a perl regex without resorting to predefined magic words would be quite a trick. Automating action based on anything a perl regex could identify simply won't do you much good in the long run.

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Pedantry strikes
by andye (Curate) on Aug 01, 2001 at 17:07 UTC
    Even humans don't do so well at that -- hence the use of "magic words" like "mayday" or "I am declaring an emergency" instead of "help" in situations where it really matters.

    <pedantry> Unless you're French </pedantry>

    You've got a good point though, really - the mayday call as a whole is quite formalised. "x souls on board" and so on.

    Recall, though, the recent US air crash where the pilot ran out of fuel but didn't declare an emergency - in spite of the tower asking him if he wanted to! Having such a specific form of words acted in this case as a disincentive - he didn't want to be seen to be in serious trouble.


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